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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dear Allah i need you in my life

Dear Allah, I need you in my life every day,
every hour, and every second.


Everyday, we get a chance to be different.

Everyday, we get a chance to be different.

A chance to change.

A chance to be better.

Your past is your past.

Get on with the future.

Allah is more than enough to keep a smile on your face.

Allah is more than enough to keep a smile on your face.

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Allah got you through it,

so trust Allah for tomorrow.

Success calls five times a day everyday,

Success calls five times a day everyday,

but people are too busy to answer the call

because they are too busy trying to be successful.

The most intelligent of mankind is those

The most intelligent of mankind is those who remember death,

most wisest is those who prepare for it.

Starting your day off with Fajr

Starting your day off with Fajr prayer will create a meaningful course for the rest of the day.

If you can't learn to enjoy your life

If you can't learn to enjoy your life

when you have problems,

you may never enjoy it because

we'll always have problems.

When we give Allah our worry,

When we give Allah our worry,

He gives us His peace.

When we give Allah our cares and concerns,

He gives us His protection and joy.

If you can praise Allah no matter what is going on in your life,

If you can praise Allah no matter what is going on in your life,

then your Imaan is growing deep.

Keep your faith.

Never stop praying;

no matter how dark and hopeless it may seem.

Keep your faith.

No person can replace a mother.

No person can replace a mother.

Love her, respect her,

listen to her

and most importantly pray for her.

O Allah, I thank You for having guided me to Islam

O Allah, I thank You for having guided me to Islam

& I ask You to help me increase my understanding

and practice of Islam. Ameen

Do not marry a man unless

Do not marry a man unless

you are proud to have a son just like him.

You may fall in love with the beauty of someone,

You may fall in love with the beauty of someone,

but remember that finally

you have to live with the character, not the beauty.

No one can take your mothers place. Value her.

No one can take your mothers place. Value her.

Everything happens for a reason.

Everything happens for a reason.

There's a blessing hidden behind every complication.

Have faith in Allah.

Life is short.

Life is short.

Time is fast.

No replay.

No rewind.

So prepare every moment for the eternal life in paradise.

The one who loves you will

The one who loves you will

prevent you from sin,

and the one who is your enemy

will teach you to sin.

Allah will never stop forgiving you

Allah will never stop forgiving you

unless you stop asking for forgiveness.

May Allah grant us the strength

May Allah grant us the strength

to practice our beautiful faith

with sincerity, humility, and conviction.

Ya Allah, I know I am not perfect

Ya Allah, I know I am not perfect

but thank you for loving me anyway.

Allah gives us so much, yet we thank Him so little.

Allah gives us so much, yet we thank Him so little.

Every sin begins as a thought in the mind.

Every sin begins as a thought in the mind.

Try to control your thoughts.

Trusting Allah is the greatest benefit we have as Muslims.

Trusting Allah is the greatest benefit we have as Muslims.

No matter how much you say you trust Allah,

No matter how much you say

you trust Allah,

if you’re upset all the time,

then you’re not really trusting Him.

A smile is the most beautiful makeup a person can wear.

A smile is the most beautiful makeup a person can wear.

Speak in such a manner that others love to listen to you

Speak in such a manner that others love to listen to you

& listen in such manner that others love to speak to you.

Life becomes a lot better

Life becomes a lot better

when we focus on Allah’s gifts

instead of our heart's desires.

Say Alhamdulillah

Say Alhamdulillah and let's be grateful for the blessings in our life.

A true man is he who leads his wife closer to Allah

A true man is he who leads his wife closer to Allah than to himself.

A grateful heart is a strong heart.

A grateful heart is a strong heart.

These days there's more fruit in a rich man's shampoo

These days there's more fruit in a rich man's shampoo

than in a poor man's plate!

When things aren't adding up in your life, start subtracting.

When things aren't adding up in your life, start subtracting.

When love is for Allah's sake it never dies.

When love is for Allah's sake it never dies.

Helping others in need is the

Helping others in need is the

simplest way to guarantee that

Allah will help you at your own time of need

Purify yourself with the Quran

Purify yourself with the Quran

and beauty your actions with the Sunnah.

Sometimes you have no shoulder to cry on.

Sometimes you have no shoulder to cry on.

But never forget that

you always have a ground

to put your head and shed your tears on.

Remember that one bad deed calls out to another bad deed

Remember that

one bad deed calls out to another bad deed


one good deed calls out to another good deed.

You were created to grow,

You were created to grow,

to move forward,

and to see increase.

Break the barriers of the past

and take new ground.

Going through difficulty will not

Going through difficulty will not

only make you stronger,

not only give you greater faith,

it’ll create new doors of opportunity.

We all have burdens that can steal our joy.

We all have burdens that can steal our joy.

But if you want to live life happy,
keep a grateful spirit.

We’re not always going to understand

We’re not always going to understand

why something happens.

True faith is trusting Allah

when it doesn’t make sense.

Don’t get so caught up in your goals

Don’t get so caught up

in your goals and

so focused on the end result

that you miss the miracles along the way.

Believe that you can overcome anything

Believe that you can

overcome anything

that comes against you.

Nothing is too difficult for Allah.

The best way to portray

The best way to portray

love for our Prophet PBUH is

by following his ways.

May Allah make us true followers

of our beloved Prophet PBUH.

A busy life makes prayer harder.

A busy life makes prayer harder.

But prayer makes a busy life easier.

No matter how great your sins may seem.

No matter how great your sins may seem.
Allah’s mercy is much greater.

Hate the sin, not the person

Hate the sin, not the person

Allah without a man is still Allah.

Allah without a man is still Allah.

A man without Allah is nothing

Hold tight to the rope of Allah and do not become divided.

Hold tight to the rope of Allah and do not become divided.

The strong believer is better

The strong believer is better

and more beloved to Allah

than the weak believer,

while there is good in both". ~

The Prophet (SAW)

Pray because you need to thank Allah.

Pray because you need to thank Allah.

Not because of your needs.

Gossip is the Shaytan's radio,so don't be his DJ.

Gossip is the Shaytan's radio,so don't be his DJ.

We call upon Your Mercy,

We call upon Your Mercy,

Just as a man dying cries for breath,

For You never failed us,

No matter the sins we have committed.

My dear brothers and sisters,

My dear brothers and sisters,

A pretty face gets old,

a nice body changes,

but a good character

will always be good.

Allah never promised this life would be easy,

Allah never promised this life would be easy,

but He did promise that

He would be with you every step of the way.

O Allaah,

O Allaah,

grant authority over our affairs

to those who are the best of us,

and not to those who are the worst of us. Ameen

Before you say something,

Before you say something,

think how you'd feel if someone said it to you.

Your life is Allah's gift to you.

Your life is Allah's gift to you.

What you do for others

is your gift to Allah.

I am blessed because I have Allah with me.

I am blessed because I have Allah with me.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Trust that Allah will put

TRUST that ALLAH will put the right people in your life at right time and for the right reasons.


Thw strongest man in the world

The strongest man in the world is the one who can lift up his blanket at the time of Fajr.


Problems are like washing machine

Problems are like washing machines,
they spin us, twist us, knock us around &
In the end we come out cleaner, brighter & better than before!


There are two kinds of people

There are two kinds of people in the world.
Givers & Takers.
The takers may eat better,
but the givers sleep better.


Remember the most you focus

Remember, the more you focus on Allah outside your salah, the easier it will be to focus on Him inside your salah.


When you are tempted

When you are tempted to loose patience with someone, then think of how patient Allah has been with you.


The Shortest love story

The Shortest love story:
They found Allah and lived happily ever after.


The more you listen to anything

The more you listen to anything

the more boring it gets.

But with the Quran the more you listen to it

the more amazing it gets. SubhanAllah!

For your every problem

For your every problem, there is a "verse" in the Quran.

Don't feel down. Don't feel sad.

Don't feel down. Don't feel sad.

Don't feel alone.

Because ALLAH is always with you.

That's enough.

If you succeed in cheating someone,

If you succeed in cheating someone,

don't think that the person is a fool.

Realize that the person trusted you

more than you deserved.

Our lives are not defined by our successes,

Our lives are not defined by our successes,

but by our reactions to our failures.

Don't anger your parents

Don't anger your parents

in order to please other people.

Those other people did not spend

their lives building yours.

Alhamdulillah for this good life.

Alhamdulillah for this good life.

Forgive us if we do not love it enough.

Beautiful things happen when

Beautiful things happen

when you distance yourself from the negative.

Before you think about taking over the world

Before you think about

taking over the world,

take over your own world,

including your own body and mind.

You either control your desires,

You either control your desires,

or it will control you.

If you are controlled by your desires,

you will lose control of your life.

When Allah loves you, He places the love of you

When Allah loves you,

He places the love of you

in the hearts of the people

whose love is worth having

“Refresh your minds from time to time,

“Refresh your minds

from time to time,

for a tired mind becomes blind.”

- Ali ibn Abu Talib

O Allah, I ask you to give us Your love,

O Allah,

I ask you to give us Your love,

the love of the people You love

& the ability to love anything

that brings us closer to You..

The fastest way to get hurt is to expect

The fastest way

to get hurt is to expect

appreciation & reward for

every thing u do for others.

Do it for Allah's sake, expect from Him

Verily nothing can happen

Verily nothing can happen

without Allah's will

no matter how hard you try."

Just as the most beautiful rainbows are born from rain,

Just as the most beautiful rainbows are born from rain,

the most beautiful lessons are born from pain.

The Quran is perfect

The Quran is perfect
because it gives you
the mindset to answer
any question in your life.

Being a Muslim is

Being a Muslim is

a great responsibility;

as people see Islam through you.

Please be a good role model and lead by example...

Stop keeping Islam just in your hearts

Stop keeping Islam just in your hearts

and prayers,

start showing it in your actions,

and watch the world change.

Keep Allah happy

Keep Allah happy and He shall take care of everything for you.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

There is no broken heart that

There is no broken heart that ALLAH can't fix. Trust Him.


Ya Allah !

Ya Allah! Let not your words (Qurān) just occupy my mind, nor just rest upon my tongue, but allow them to penetrate my heart... Ameen


Darkness is the absence of light

Darkness is the absence of light.
Avoid having a dark heart through constant remembrance of Allāh. #dhikr

We may not have everything in this world

We may not have everything in this world but we have Allāh and that is more than sufficient.


When you decide to trust Allah

When you decide to trust Allah, you will reduce a lot of stress in your life.

Divide your Quran time into 3 parts

Divide your Quran time into 3 parts: 50% for reading 25% for memorizing 25% for reflection. It will be more rewarding.

Never use a blessing that Allah

Never use a blessing that Allah has given you to disobey Him.

Monday, February 24, 2014

There is no more beautiful a heart

There is no more beautiful a heart than
the one whereby the
remembrance of Allāh is present.

There's not a secret you can hide

There's not a secret you can hide. There's not a way you can lie. Allah is watching.

Allah doesn't give the things we want,

Allah doesn't give the things we want,

but the things we need.

Allah doesn't give the people we want,

but the people we need.

Allah doesn't give the things we want, but the things we need. Allah doesn't give the people we want, but the people we need.

Allah didn't wake you this morning

Allah didn't wake you this morning

just to have an OK day.

He woke you to have

an extraordinary day.

All the water in the world, the oceans & seas,

All the water in the world,

the oceans & seas,

can't put out Hellfire


a single teardrop shed for Allah can save us from that Fire.

Worrying is wasting energy on the things

Worrying is wasting energy on the things you can't control. Leave everything in Allah's hand. Think less and pray more.

It's really nice to wake up in the morning

It's really nice to wake up in the morning and realize Allah has given me another day to live. #Alhamdulillah

Many people turn to Allah

Many people turn to Allah when life has them down, but they forget to keep in touch with Allah when He turns their life around.

The Quran is amazing

The Quran is amazing, you can read it a billion times, and still find gems that you did not notice before.

Say Alhamdulillah because you are healthy,

Say Alhamdulillah because you are healthy, The sick ones wish to buy health no matter how high the price is.

The Quran is our map and Paradise is our destination.

The Quran is our map and Paradise is our destination.

Allah: Gives, Gives, Gives

Allah: Gives, Gives, Gives and Forgives. Man: Gets, Gets, Gets and Forgets

Life is short, Time is fast, No replay, No rewind.

Life is short, Time is fast, No replay, No rewind.

So prepare every moment for the eternel life in paradise.

Make the Quran your best friend;

Make the Quran your best friend; the more you sit with it, the more it honors you, gives you its secrets and elevates your status.

Life becomes too hard only when you

Life becomes too hard only when you stop putting your trust in Allah. So don't give up. Keep your faith strong.

A Muslimah queen needs a Hijab not a crown.

A Muslimah queen needs a Hijab not a crown.

Every good thing starts with 'Bismillah'.

Every good thing starts with 'Bismillah'.

The next time you feel like putting off

The next time you feel like putting off your prayer, remember that you may not live long enough to pray later.

I smile at someone

I smile at someone, I am rewarded. I control my temper, I am rewarded. That's #WhyILoveIslam.

Its amazing how even after over 1400 years

Its amazing how even after over 1400 years the Qur'an still remains relevant to every human's life.

It's not about how many years you lived,

It's not about how many years you lived, it's about what you did with all the years Allah gave you.

If Allah woke you up another day

If Allah woke you up another day be thankful because He Loves you and you still have a chance to get right with Him.

When you are a true believer

When you are a true believer, nothing is negative. Because even the calamities bring you closer to Allah.

The person who refuses to be

The person who refuses to be the servant of his Creator will be the slave of thousands.

Every morning, we get a chance to be

Every morning, we get a chance to be different. A chance to change. A chance to be better. Your past is your past. Get on with the future.

Keep your parents smiling

Keep your parents smiling. They spent their days and nights keeping you from crying.

Allah often removes someone

Allah often removes someone from your life for a reason. Think before you chase after them.

Less worries, more smiles.

Less worries, more smiles.

Less thinking, more praying.

Less blaming, more praising.

Less of you, more of Allah.

One that has Patience has a great sense of trust in Allah.

One that has Patience has a great sense of trust in Allah.

Hardships are blessings if

Hardships are blessings if only we trust Allah and turn to Allah.

When you're all alone and nobody cares

When you're all alone and nobody cares, Just turn to Allah, for He is the only #1 sufficient for you.

Be happy when Allah answers

Be happy when Allah answers your prayers, but be more thankful when Allah makes you the answer to someone elses prayer.

Life is only truly meaningful when

Life is only truly meaningful when your priority becomes seeking the Pleasure of Allah.

Keep going, Keep believing

Keep going, Keep believing, Keep hoping, Because Allah has a bright future in store for you.

A sincere heart will never be flattered

A sincere heart will never be flattered by praises or be affected by insults because it knows Who it actually wants to please..

No person can replace a mother

No person can replace a mother.

Love her,respect her, listen to her and most importantly pray for her.

Always pray to have:

Always pray to have:

1. Eyes that see the best in people.

2.. A heart that forgives the worst.

3. A soul that never loses faith in Allah.

MOTHER is a beautiful creation

MOTHER is a beautiful creation, because in this selfish world, she is the only one who always want to see you happy.

Remember, Allah loves you

Remember, Allah loves you seventy times more than your mother.

When you take time with Allah

When you take time with Allah, He renews your strength and enables you to handle life.



- In pain, I smile

- In confusion, I understand.

- In betrayal, I trust.

- In fear, I push forward.

Don't worry; it never helps anything.

Don't worry; it never helps anything.

• Pray.

• Trust Allah.

• Let it go.

Every new day is another

Every new day is another chance to be a true Muslim.

Trusting Allah turns problems into opportunities.

Trusting Allah turns problems into opportunities.

O Allah, Today I woke up

O Allah, Today I woke up. I'm healthy. I am alive. I apologize for all my complaining. I'm truly grateful for all you've done.

Sometimes, I think the only thing that

Sometimes, I think the only thing that I deserve to ask from Allah is His Forgiveness.

Most people don't know how much they need Allah

Most people don't know how much they need Allah until they have no one to ask for help except Allah

When your day starts with prayer

When your day starts with prayer and ends with prayer, everything in between seems to always work out!

Sadness is hearing the Azhan and not going to pray.

Sadness is hearing the Azhan and not going to pray.

Astaghfirullah to yesterday,

Astaghfirullah to yesterday,

Alhamdulillah for today,

Insha Allah for tomorrow.

“I trust you Allah.

“I trust you Allah." This simple little prayer can give so much courage to face challenges.

Success tips:

Success tips:

1. Understand the past.

2. Be aware of the present.

3. Have a vision of the future.

Praying Fajr strengthens you each day

Praying Fajr strengthens you each day, prepares you for each day, and uplifts your Spirits no matter what's going on in your Life.

Life is better when you focus

Life is better when you focus on Allah's gifts instead of your hearts desires.

You sin? Allah forgives.

You sin? Allah forgives.

You worry? Allah's in control.

You're alone? Allah is with you.

Trusting Allah is the greatest benefit we have as Muslims.

Trusting Allah is the greatest benefit we have as Muslims.

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah, Astaghfirullah.

Simple words, great meanings.

I asked Allah for favors

I asked Allah for favors and Allah gave me opportunities. Maybe I received nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed!

O Allah, You're all I want, You're all I need, You're everything.

O Allah, You're all I want, You're all I need, You're everything.

No sin is too big for the Almighty

No sin is too big for the Almighty to forgive so never let Satan make you feel that you are beyond reach of the Mercy of the Almighty.

Real Beauty is found in the heart that seeks Allah.

Real Beauty is found in the heart that seeks Allah.

Remember, other people don’t determine your destiny; Allah does.

Remember, other people don’t determine your destiny; Allah does.

Today is a new day so

Today is a new day so It's time to remember, Love and thank Allah.

Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.

Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.

When you ask Allah to guide you

When you ask Allah to guide you to the straight path don't just stand there, start going forward...

Do GOOD, no matter how SMALL it seems

Do GOOD, no matter how SMALL it seems to you, because you do not KNOW which good DEED will ENTER you into PARADISE.

Beware of three things

Beware of three things which destroy good deeds: Arrogance, bad attitude and jealousy.

Be thankful to Allah

Be thankful to Allah. Be thankful for all the things you have. ALHAMDULILLAH! Without Him we're nothing.

Give respect, love and honour

Give respect, love and honour to your parents today and tomorrow you will get it all from your children

When life gets too hard to stand

When life gets too hard to stand. Don’t forget to talk to Him. Allah never fails to listen.

The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart. (Rumi)

Don't divide into sects or groups

Don't divide into sects or groups. We're all Muslims, read the Qu'ran, think Muhammad=Prophet (saw) & most important: BELIEVE IN ALLAH.

The haram path is easy

The haram path is easy and tempting, but remember the price of Jannah isn’t cheap.

Islam is not about ‘being yourself’; it is about improving yourself.

Islam is not about ‘being yourself’; it is about improving yourself.

Sometimes when reading a reminder

Sometimes when reading a reminder, we are quick to direct it to others yet we need it most.

O Allah, I told You: “I’m in pain

O Allah, I told You: “I’m in pain.” You said: "Do not despair of the mercy of Allah.”

Quran 39:53

Islam is the compass that keeps

Islam is the compass that keeps us headed in the right direction, even in the midst of confusing messages all around.

When you realize Allah is all you have, you realize Allah is all you need.

When you realize Allah is all you have, you realize Allah is all you need.

Be a people builder

Be a people builder. Look for opportunities to encourage others, to bring out the best in them.

Be sincere in your aims

Be sincere in your aims and you will find the support of Allah surrounding you.

Say Alhamdulillah because Allah wakes you up again every single day.

Say Alhamdulillah because Allah wakes you up again every single day.

Hussain Teri Ataa Ka Chashma Dilo’n K Daman Bhigo Raha Hy

Hussain Teri Ataa Ka Chashma
Dilo’n K Daman Bhigo Raha Hy

ye Aasman Par Udaas Badal
Teri Mohabbat Main Ro Raha Hy

Saba Bhi Guzry Jo Karbala Se
Tou Us Ko Kehta Hy Arsh Wala

Tu Aur Dheery Guzar Yahan Pr
Mera Hussain So Raha Hy …

Aankho’n k Sahilo’n Pe Hy Askho’n Ka Ek Hujoom

Aankho’n k Sahilo’n
Pe Hy Askho’n Ka
Ek Hujoom

Ka Mausam Qareeb Hy …

Kausar k Saaqi ka wo Nawasa HUSSAIN tha

Kausar k Saaqi ka wo
Nawasa HUSSAIN tha

Karbala k dasht main
pyasa HUSSAIN tha

Baadal yazeediat k jo
pheley chaar suu

Un main chamakta ek
sitara HUSSAIN tha

Karta wo kese haath
pe bait yazeed k

Us waqt sab se
Arfa-o-aala HUSSAIN tha

Hilney Laga Tha
Arsh-e-ELAHI bhi Us Ghari

Jab Karbal Ki Rait Pe
Tarpa HUSSAIN tha

Pardes main Shaheed
jisay kr dia gaya

aankho’n ka Tara HUSSAIN tha

Yun Hi Nahi Jahan Main Charcha HUSSAIN Ka

Yun Hi Nahi Jahan Main
Charcha HUSSAIN Ka

Kuch Dekh K Hua Tha

Sar De k Do Jahan Ki
Hukumat Khareed Li

Mehanga Para yazeed Ko
Sauda HUSSAIN Ka ..

Andaz-e-Bandagi Hy Nirala HUSSAIN Ka

Andaz-e-Bandagi Hy

Sajdo’n Me Lajawab Hy
Sajda HUSSAIN ka

Be-daagh Zindagi Ka Yehi
Tou Kamal Hy

Har Shaks Parh Raha Hy
Qaseeda HUSSAIN Ka

Kia Jalwa Karbala Mein Dikhaya HUSSAIN Ne

Kia Jalwa Karbala Mein
Dikhaya HUSSAIN Ne

Sajde Mein Ja k Sar

Naize Pe Sar Tha Aur
Zubaan Pr Aayatei’n

QURA’AN Is Terha

Cheez Waar Dii

Kuch Na Apne Paas
Bachaya HUSSAIN Ne

Kyun AAQA (S.A.W) Ko
Na Apne Nawasey Pe
Naaz Ho

Nibhaya HUSSAIN Ne

“If I Had An Army Like The 72 Soldiers Of HUSSAIN (A.S),

“If I Had An Army
Like The 72 Soldiers Of
I Would Have Won The
Freedom For India In
24 Hours …”


Marr Ja Furaat Apne Hi Paani Mein Doob Ker …

Marr Ja Furaat Apne Hi Paani
Mein Doob Ker …

Pyasa Chala Gaya Hy Tere

Wo Jis Ne Apne Nana ka wada wafa kar dia

Wo Jis Ne Apne Nana
Ka Wada Wafa Ker Dia

Ghar Ka Ghar
Supard-e-Allah Ker Dia

Nosh Ker Lia Jis Ne
Shahadat Ka Jaam

Us Hussain Ibn e Ali
Par Lakho’n Salam …

Anjam-e-Wafa Kia Hy Socha Nahi Kerte

Anjam-e-Wafa Kia Hy
Socha Nahi Kerty

Momin Kabhi Halaat Se
Sauda Nahi Kerty

Ye Rasm Sikhai Hy
Hussain Ibn e Ali Ne

Sarr Sajde Mein Ho Tou
Teero’n Ki Parwah Nahi Kerty

Yazeed Se Pucho ke tera raaj kaha hai

Yazeed Se Pucho k
Tera Raaj Kahan Hy ?

Wo Khoon Se Aaluda
Tera Taj Kahan Hy ?

Zinda Hy Hussain
Hamesha Hi Rahe Ga !

Yazeed La’anat k Siwa
Teri Yaad Aaj Kahan Hy ?

Agr Tum Apney Elm Par Maghroor Ho

*. . .Agr Tum Apney Elm Par Maghroor Ho.,

To Jehalat k Liye Yehi Kaafi Hain. . .*

*. . .Mola Imam E ALI A.S. . .*

Lakhon Chiragh Raah e Wafa Mein Jalaye Hain

Jis Ne Gham e Hussain (A.S) Mein Aansu Bahaye Hain

Lakhon Chiragh Raah e Wafa Mein Jalaye Hain

Shabbeer (A.S) Jaag Uthay Jo Kabhi Khawab e Naaz Mein

Jhoola Jhulanay Hazrat e Jibraeel (A.S) Aaye Hain

Dariya Simat K Aa Gaya Abbas (A.S) Ki Taraf

Sab Pehray Daar Sharm Se Aankhein Jhukaye Hain

Rob o Jalaal Hazrat e Abbas (A.S) Ka Dekhiye

Jo Teer Samnay Aaye Woh Thar Thara Aaye Hain

habeer Sy Seekhy Koi Islam Bachana.

Shabeer Sy Seekhy Koi Islam Bachana….

Ata Hai Jisay Naizay Per Quran Sunana

Truly if you lose your Salaah

Truly if you lose your Salaah, you lose your Islam. When you lose your Islam you lose everything

Oh Allah, if I hurt other's please give

Oh Allah, if I hurt other's please give me the strength to apologize, and if people hurt me please me give the strength to forgive. Ameen

If your parents didn't teach you to cover

If your parents didn't teach you to cover, then cover yourself and save them from being questioned on that matter.

Islam is not just about covering up

Islam is not just about covering up, praying 5 times a day and Ramadan. It's a complete lifestyle.

Tawakkal is not how loudly you praise Allah

Tawakkal is not how loudly you praise Allah in good times but how deeply you trust Him in bad times.

itis not a true believer who eats

itis not a true believer who eats his fill while his neighbor does not have food to eat.

DEATH is not the biggest DISASTER

DEATH is not the biggest DISASTER in life. The biggest disaster, is when our FEAR OF ALLAH dies while we are still alive.

A day that starts with Fajr prayer is

A day that starts with Fajr prayer is a day worth living. “ — Muhammad ibn Faqih

Check your intentions as often as you check your Facebook. Note to self.

Check your intentions as often as you check your Facebook. Note to self.

Dua is not a "wishlist."

Dua is not a "wishlist." It's a demonstration of faith & unwavering trust and reliance upon Allah.

Talk, submit and leave it all to Him.

Fulfil the needs of your brothers for the pleasure

Fulfil the needs of your brothers for the pleasure of Allah, regardless of whether you'll be acknowledged here. Your reward is with Allah!

If there are no ups and downs in your life that means you're dead.

If there are no ups and downs in your life that means you're dead.

The best mornings don't start

The best mornings don't start with coffee, they start with fajr. #allahuakbar #islam

A lot of kneeling can keep you in good standing. #salah

A lot of kneeling can keep you in good standing. #salah

“If someone corrects you

“If someone corrects you, and you feel offended, then you have an EGO problem.” -Nouman Ali Khan

Sabr (patience) can open doors

Sabr (patience) can open doors to happiness & contentment that you didn't even know existed.

BeforeYou you complain about your shoes

#BeforeYou you complain about your shoes - Think of those who dont have feet.

Before you complain

Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.

Don’t treat Dua like a medicine

“Don’t treat Dua like a medicine where you only use it in times of need. Rather, treat Dua like the air which you continuously breathe.”

If a man becomes angry

If a man becomes angry and says ‘A^oodhu Billaah (I seek refuge with Allah),’ his anger will cease.

When you stand up to pray

When you stand up to pray, pray as if it is your last prayer. #salah

“Fear Allah wherever you are

“Fear Allah wherever you are, do good deeds after doing bad ones, the former will wipe out the latter, and behave decently towards people

Dear Problems

Dear Problems, My Allah is bigger than you. Good Bye!

Remember that Allah is always watching, even when you are alone.

Remember that Allah is always watching, even when you are alone.

Have patience with what they say

"Have patience with what they say, and leaves them with noble (dignity)."

#Quran 73:10

Hijab: The Head Cover – Unveiled

American Muslim women today are rediscovering the pristine Islam as revealed by Allah, (God), to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh1), more than 1400 years ago, but without any of the contradictions of ancestral culture. Consequently they are essentially engaging in a life-long exercise of rediscovering their own selves , what it means to be a human, a Muslim, and more so, a Muslim woman. Wearing a head-covering (hijab) is an important part of their spiritual journey.
One of the most common questions today, asked by Muslims and non-Muslims alike, is: .Why do Muslim women cover their heads? The answer is very simple – Muslim women observe hijab because Allah has told them to do so:

.O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw

Do More, Give More!

As a Muslim woman I have noticed that many of us have dreams to do more; many of us want to do things; many of us think about doing things, but few of us actually do them. This is a message to all the Muslims who are stuck between dreaming and achieving their

Would you give up an eye for 1 million dollars?

Often times when I ask this question I hear from people responding “I would never give up an eye for 1 million dollars or more.”  This answer makes me think that one’s eye must be very precious to this individual, that they would not give it up for any amount of money.  If this is the case then why is it that we Muslims are not thinking about what we will WANT to give up in the grave or on the Day of Judgment?

7 Habits of Highly Effective Muslim Families

What are the seven highly effective habits that successful Muslim families must have?  SubhanAllaah, this could be at least 100 habits, however today we will only go over 7 of them inshAllaah.  The first most effective habit of a Muslim family should be to have tawheed in Allaah (SWT), and how to worship

Short Story: Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty

“Asalamalakium Mahmood, what is going on? It has been 5 years since I saw you last “ said Ahmad.

“Walakaium Asalam Wa Rahamtullah Wa Barakatuhu, nothing much Ahmed, just been busy, how have you been?” said Mahmood.
“Alhamdullilah, I have been great, Allaah (SWT) has blessed me with a wonderful wife shortly after I finished College, and now we have 2 beautiful daughters, mashAllaah. I have a good job as an engineer, and I am teaching Quran on Sunday’s to the kids at an Islamic School. Alhamdullilah. How about you? I heard that you too got married, mashAllaah. So tell me all about your life. “ said Ahmad.

How to stay Motivated when you’re Pregnant?

You see many women are motivated when they are not pregnant and when they know they must lose weight, but how about when you find out your pregnant.  I know that every time I found out I was pregnant it is as if the news alone made me lose 60% of energy.  SubhanAllaah, so if we lose energy just knowing then how can we push ourselves to exercise when all we want to do is either throw up the first 3 months or eat like there is no tomorrow?

3 Steps to be the Best Child to your Parent!

Bismillahhe Rahmanee Raheem

Often when I give a speech for the Muslim Youth, at the end of it I am asked “How can I change and be the best child to my parent?”

SubhanAllaah, this shows me that if we were to teach our children the importance of parenthood, then they would actually reflect on the subject and possibly change their behaviors for the better.  Glory be to Allaah for all of His favors.  The problem that many of us have is that we do not teach our children how to be the best child.

InshAllaah today I will be teaching just that.  I am writing this article for all of the youth out there who want to know in 3 simple steps how to be the best child inshAllaah.   If you are one of those youth, then I would like to begin by saying mashAllaah I am proud of you first for reading this article.  That tells me a lot about you as a person.  If you have the courage to admit that you could be a better child, and you want to learn more skills that alone says a lot about your character.  However, to fully benefit from this article you need to actually put the information from this article into action- inshAllaah.

Before we get started I want to ask you one question.  Will you commit to me that you will use these 3 steps as often as you can until it eventually becomes habit?  Please say YES.  InshAllaah you said yes, and our journey begins.

Let’s start with Bismillah:

Time management tips for Muslims

This thread is dedicated to time management tips for Muslims with the sole purpose of making the best of this life in order to please Allah and gain the best and highest ranks in the Hereafter:

5 Time management tips for Muslims

“By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily mankind is in loss, Except those who have faith, and do righteous good deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.”
(The Qur’aan 103:1-3)

It’s the beginning of your work day; you sit down at your computer to start a project that you are already days behind on. The phone rings. You talk to your co-worker for twenty minutes about an event you are planning for the weekend. After you hang up you decide to check your Facebook status, respond to a few emails, and head to the break room for a snack. Before you know it, it’s been two hours and you still haven’t gotten any work done on your project. And now you have a pile of work you need to get done in addition to your project, and not nearly enough time to do it. Sound familiar? If it does, you are in major need of a time management makeover.

How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship


Waswas can become a very serious issue and it may take away the pleasure in worship and instead replace it with constant worry whether a person did Wudu or Salaah properly. It can become a very serious issue as a person will feel overwhelmed by paranoia with regards to theri worship and will always feel a sense of inadequacy.

In worship terms Waswas means always have doubts about ones worship and not be sure of anything relating to worship as there is always a doubt there and this serious disease and illness is caused by shaythan.

What are some of the symptoms of waswas?

Happiness is found when you

Happiness is found when you stop complaining and comparing yourself to other people.

Be content with what Allah has given you

Be content with what Allah has given you, and you will be among the richest of people.

Ya Allah, I trust you with all of my heart

Ya Allah, I trust you with all of my heart. Wherever you want me to go, I will go. Even if it's not where I planned. Lead me.

Our Prophet PBUH encouraged us

Our Prophet PBUH encouraged us to smile and not underestimate a kind word because both have the potential to change someone's life.

Fill your heart with Allah

Fill your heart with Allah so there is less space for anything other than Allah.

When you see someone who is not as religious

When you see someone who is not as religious, remember that you were once on the edge of the fire, and it was Allah who guided you.

Everything that happens

Everything that happens, happens for a reason, all is well in the hands of Allah, just put your trust in Him.

Show respect even to people

Show respect even to people who don't deserve it, not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours.

Feeling lonely or upset with people?

Feeling lonely or upset with people??

No one understands your heart, better than The One Who Created it.

Turn to Allah.

The World will never notice ur sad heart

The World will never notice ur sad heart.Only Allah knows ur exact state of Mind.stop expecting frm people & start expecting from Allah only

When your problems give you

When your problems give you a "100" reasons to cry, your faith in Allah should give you a "1000" reasons to smile.

“Learn to cry for your sins

“Learn to cry for your sins. We can cry over a fictional story but not when thinking of spending millions of years in Hell?”

Salah is like the heartbeat of Islam

Salah is like the heartbeat of Islam. Without it, there will be no life in your imaan.

Ya Allah SWT be happy with my family & me

Ya Allah SWT be happy with my family & me. For if You are happy with us then everything smiles upon us. #islam

A time will come when it will be said

A time will come when it will be said abt a man how intelligent he is,how cool he is,but there won’t be a single grain of eeman in his heart

We remember Allah when

We remember Allah when we need something, but we forget Him after He gives it to us.

No one will manufacture a lock

No one will manufacture a lock without a key. Similarly Allah won't create problems without solutions. So defeat ur problems with confidence

No matter what you face

No matter what you face, when you follow Allah's path, you'll be safe.

Everything that you do

Everything that you do becomes worship if it is done to please Allaah.

“And He found you lost and guided you.” [Quran 93:7]

“And He found you lost and guided you.” [Quran 93:7]

Never use a blessing that

Never use a blessing that Allah has given you to disobey Him.

As Muslims we aren't supposed

As Muslims we aren't supposed to focus on the bad or dwell on the negative.

Beautify your inner self and Allah will beautify your appearance.

Beautify your inner self and Allah will beautify your appearance.

What we do in Islam is

What we do in Islam is from Qur'an and Sunnah - not from our own ideas of what Islam should be, of what ibadat should be

Sunday, February 23, 2014

One thing you can learn by watching

One thing you can learn by watching the clock is that it passes time by keeping its hands busy.


We have not sent down to you the Qur'an

We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be distressed, But only as a reminder for those who fear Allah

#Quran 20:2-3

Only Allah knows what our heart conceals

Only Allah knows what our heart conceals.

May He forgive us for our shortcomings, sins and for the times we've hurt our loved ones.

We can make plans,

We can make plans, but Allah's plan is always better and the right one.

Dear self, please be strong

Dear self, please be strong. These challenges will end soon. Seek help from Allah SWT.

Don’t give up!

Your smile is priceless to someone

Your smile is priceless to someone, so don't ever lose it. May Allah always keep you well, happy and grant you endless joy and smiles.

Every time you read a letter from the Quran

Every time you read a letter from the Quran, you get rewards. Every time you listen to Quran, you get rewards. Allah is the Most Generous!

No matter what happens in life

No matter what happens in life; Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) always knows best.

Don’t doubt His plans.

Be like a tall tree with high aims

Be like a tall tree with high aims, if a stone is thrown at it, it simply lets its fruits drop. #islam

Some things are just out of our hands

Some things are just out of our hands. All we can do is raise our hands & pray that Allah, the best of planners guides us to the right path.

The Prophet SAW said

The Prophet SAW said: "None who is experiencing difficulty employs it except that Allah would relieve him of his difficulty"

2 great Advises

2 great Advises :

1. when you are praised, do not become happy.

2. when you are criticized, do not become upset.

Allah will always direct our ways

Allah will always direct our ways, our paths, and our journeys. The map we will need is the Holy Quran.

Just stop feeling so bad

Just stop feeling so bad for yourself, and start loving who you are. You are fine, just the way you are

Allah's love is flawless

Allah's love is flawless. Every time your love fails, His love remains.

In order to be beautiful

In order to be beautiful, your thoughts should be. You smile if you want others to smile at you.


Life is hard, and the world is full of troubles,

Life is hard, and the world is full of troubles, but the sun still shines, and ALLAH’s blessings are everywhere in our lives.

Treat each prayer as

Treat each prayer as your last chance to seek forgiveness for your sins.

A believer is the mirror of his brother

A believer is the mirror of his brother.

When he sees a fault in it, he should correct it.

You can't have Sabr without Tawakkul

You can't have Sabr without Tawakkul, and you can't have Tawakkul without Ikhlas. They go hand in hand together!

May Allah Protect Us From

May Allah Protect Us From Hypocrisy And Keep Our Hearts Filled With Ikhlas

Find your love with Allah

Find your love with Allah then Allah will help you find the one who will love you.

It will be very dark in our graves!

It will be very dark in our graves, good deeds will bring us light! #Islam

This world of life and death

This world of life and death, wealth and poverty, sickness and health was created to sift out the righteous souls from the evil souls.

Some people think to be strong

Some people think to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, it’s the strongest people who feel it, understand it, and accept it...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Only #ALLAH can lift people

Only #ALLAH can lift people

from zero to hero

from nothing to something

from nobody to somebody

Keep on praying,ALLAH is with us

Whenever you feel lost always know that Allah is only a dua away.

Whenever you feel lost always know that Allah is only a dua away.

Sister, cover yourselves,

Sister, cover yourselves, not because people want you to do so, but, because your Rabb has asked you to do so. Please Him not the creation

O Allah, I thank You for having guided me to Islam

O Allah, I thank You for having guided me to Islam, And I ask You to help me increase my understanding and practice of Islam. Ameen

There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching out and lifting people up.

There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching out and lifting people up.

Take care of your thoughts

Take care of your thoughts when you're alone, and take care of your words when you're with people!

The best kind of friendship is

The best kind of friendship is the one that reminds you of Allah and brings you closer to Him.

When one commits a sin

When one commits a sin and thinks of it to be minor, he has in fact committed a major sin. May Allah protect us.

No amount of nice smelling fragrance

No amount of nice smelling fragrance will cover up a stinking attitude! Come with good akhlaq & adab and u'll emit the fragrance of taqwa

Allah makes you wealthy

Allah makes you wealthy, after you get married, unlike what most of the youth think that first they become rich and then marry.

We all sin so much yet Allah does not take anything away from us!

We all sin so much yet Allah does not take anything away from us!

Don't take salah as a burden. Allah gifted us salah as a relief from burden.

Don't take salah as a burden. Allah gifted us salah as a relief from burden.

The most beautiful love story

The most beautiful love story begins after midnight, when all are asleep. You stand, bow, prostrate, and pour your heart out to Him.

I smile at someone, I am rewarded.

I smile at someone, I am rewarded.

I control my temper, I am rewarded.

That's why I love Islam.

Ya Allah

Ya Allah, Today I woke up. I'm healthy. I am alive. I apologize for all my complaining. I'm truly grateful for all you've done.

Allah gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

Allah gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

Some people, no matter

Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty –- They merely move it from their faces into their hearts.

May Allah grant us children who

May Allah grant us children who show acts of kindness and compassion to all those around them. Ameen!

Direct all of your thoughts towards remembering Allah

Direct all of your thoughts towards remembering Allah & think of how to attain His pleasure & what will cause nearness to Him.

I born as a Muslim I will Stay as a Muslim I will Die as a #Muslim.

I born as a Muslim

I will Stay as a Muslim

I will Die as a #Muslim.

Recognize that joy comes from Allah

Recognize that joy comes from Allah and "Happiness" from His creations. Happiness is temporary, Joy is unending. You choose.

Allah loves you.

Allah loves you.

No matter where you've been, no matter what you've done, no matter how deep you've fell, there's forgiveness.

Start with Allah. Stay with Allah. End with Allah.

Start with Allah.

Stay with Allah.

End with Allah.

If all you see is

If all you see is what’s wrong with others, realize you’re looking at your own issues reflected back at you. Don’t project.

The greatest love is found in the emptiest of places,

The greatest love is found in the emptiest of places, in your darkest moments. For even through the darkness His light shines through.

Satan is not strong

Satan is not strong. Sometimes, we're just weak. His weapon isn't loaded. We simply provide him with the ammunition.

Trust Allah when things don't work

Trust Allah when things don't work out the way you want. Allah has something better planned for you.

My dear brothers and sisters,

My dear brothers and sisters,

A pretty face gets old, a nice body changes, but a good character will always be good.

Know that Allah never gets tired of giving and forgiving.

Know that Allah never gets tired of giving and forgiving.

O You who believe!

“O You who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance” يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ ذِكْرًا كَثِيرًا

Qur'an 33:41

3 Things You Should Do Today

3 Things You Should Do Today:

1. Smile and enjoy

2. Make Someone else Smile.

3. Think like a Winner.

Life is too short, smile while you still have teeth..

Life is too short, smile while you still have teeth..

Dear Sisters...!!

Dear Sisters...!!

Help others lower their gaze and save their modesty by dressing and acting modestly yourself.

Thank you, Allah for everything

Thank you, Allah for everything you've given to me and taken from me. I'm sure there's a great reason behind every single thing You do.

Today the soil is under you.

Today the soil is under you.

Tomorrow it may be over you.

Pray before you are prayed upon.

Negative thoughts come from the Shaytan

Negative thoughts come from the Shaytan. Positive thoughts come from Allah.

Whatever is bothering you, turn to Allah and trust in Allah.

Whatever is bothering you, turn to Allah and trust in Allah.

Again and again will those

'Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to Allah's will) in Islam.' #Quran 15:2

Life is too short to start

Life is too short to start your day with broken pieces of yesterday, it'll destroy your wonderful today and ruin your tomorrow.

Don't expect too much from

Don't expect too much from a person who doesn't even have time for his Creator!

Before you pray

Before you pray, spend a moment to fully understand what it is you are about to do, and who you are praying to.

When Allah is near

When Allah is near Your success is clear


Oh Allah forgive


Words are like seeds


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pray because Allah ALWAYS listens

Pray because Allah ALWAYS listens


If we do not occupy our tongues

If we do not occupy our tongues with something which is beneficial, then the tongue will occupy us with something that's not beneficial.

I'm a Muslim, Islam is perfect

I'm a Muslim, Islam is perfect but I am not. If I make a mistake, blame it on me, not on my religion. Thank you.

No teacher, professor or anyone else

No teacher, professor or anyone else.
But a hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the most important lessons of life...!

By the quality of your prayers, you know the condition of your heart.

By the quality of your prayers, you know the condition of your heart.

The one who loves you will prevent you from sin

The one who loves you will prevent you from sin, and the one who is your enemy will teach you to sin.

The Qur'ān was not sent to collect dust

The Qur'ān was not sent to collect dust & occupy our shelves, it was sent to revive & occupy our hearts.

You may have wronged a million times

You may have wronged a million times, but what Allah needs from you is Tawbah, He loves it.

His doors of mercy is always open for you.

When you have happy moments

When you have happy moments, praise Allah!

When you have difficult moments, seek Allah!

Is Life is tough? Handle it with prayers.

Is Life is tough? Handle it with prayers.

Have you kissed your parents today

Have you kissed your parents today? "And say; My lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up when I was small" #Quran

Allah doesn't have internet

Allah doesn't have internet, but I'm connected to Him. Sometimes the signal is weak from my part but I'll never change my network provider.

It's not about how many

It's not about how many years you lived, it's about what you did with all the years Allah gave you.

When Allah is near, your success is clear.

The most amazing thing

The most amazing thing about Allah's Mercy is that it's constant, never stops, whether you realize it, or not.

The Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) said:

The Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) said:

Love your MOTHER


Love your MOTHER


Love your MOTHER


Love your FATHER.

Talk to Allah

Talk to Allah. Tell Him everything that is on your mind and bothering you and ask for guidance and help.

Don’t get stuck in what didn’t happen in the past and miss what will happen in your future.

Give a friendly smile to the person

Give a friendly smile to the person next to you and earn the reward of a Sunnah.

Ask Allah to clean you inside

Ask Allah to clean you inside and out. Repent daily and pray all throughout each day.

Everyday we should know

Everyday we should know that Allah wants your full attention. Be on the lookout for His blessings!

sadness is hearing the azan and not going to pray.

Sadness is hearing the Azan and not going to pray.sadness is hearing the azaan

Respect your parents

Respect your parents. You should appreciate them, there are some people that don't even have them!

Islam is perfect

Islam is perfect, unfortunately many Muslims aren't. So do not judge Islam by looking at Muslims.

Some people will love you

Some people will love you. Some will hate you. But none of them can help or harm you--except by the permission of Allah.

Don't think that Allah forgets

Don't think that Allah forgets your du'as. He remembers anything and everything.

One way to better appreciate our job

One way to better appreciate our job is to imagine what it would be like if we didn't have one. Be thankful & do the best.

Meet people in such a manner

Meet people in such a manner that if you die, they should weep for you. And if you live, they should long for you.


Be patient the answer will come

Be patient the answer will come like a flower unfolding to the sun, the answer will unfold in the light of understanding.♥

Deen is not about doing things to please yourself

Deen is not about doing things to please yourself; Deen is about pleasing Allah

10 Easy ways 2 be a successful Wife!

▶ 10 Easy ways 2 be a successful Wife!

1.) Use your Fitnah (beauty and overtures of allurement) to win the heart of your husband. All women have the ornaments that Allah blessed them with. Use the beauty Allah SWT has bestowed you with to win the heart of your husband. Dress up for your husband at home.

2.) Be sensitive to his moods, feelings and needs. For example, dont start complaining or burden him with problems as soon as he comes home; rather, welcome him and make him feel good to be home.

3.) Review the characteristics of the Hoor Al-Ayn (women of jannah), and try to imitate them. The Quran and Sunnah describe the women in jannah with certain characteristics. Such as the silk they wear, their large dark eyes, their singing to their husband, etc.

4.) Do things together or at least allocate some time of the day to give him your undivided attention. Be sincere in appreciating him, show interest in his day, his activities, his thoughts and opinions.

5.) Joke and play games with your husband. A mans secret: they seek women who are light-hearted and have a sense of humour.

6.) Be grateful to your husband. Remind yourself that its a tough world out there and your husband works very hard to provide for you.

7.) Dont fly into a rage when you have a difference of opinion or he criticizes you. Stay calm, control your tongue and dont challenge your husbands authority at that time.

8.) Always seek to please your husband, for he is your key to jannah.

9.) Listen and Obey! Obeying your husband is fard (obligatory). Remember that your husband is the head of the family.

10.) Make dua to Allah SWT to make your marriage and relationship successful. All good things are from Allah. Never forget to ask Allah SWT for the blessing of having a successful marriage that begins in this dunya and continues on - by the Mercy of Allah سبحانه و تعالى into jannah.


When a good thought comes to mind

When a good thought comes to mind , act upon it as it is from Allah. #islam

Knowledge!! A must read

Knowledge!! A must read

All Praise is due to Allah Almighty and Choicest Salutations upon His August Habib (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him).

I am sharing this brief note extracted from "Fadl al-Ilm wa al-Ulama", the Blessed book by Aarife-Billah, ash-Shaykh al-Imam Naqi Ali al-Qadiri (Alayhir Rahmah) on the Excellence of Knowledge and the Ulama. Here we will discuss about some obstacles to the path of seeking knowledge. I humbly pray that this note will enlighten the hearts and encourage my Muslim brothers and sisters to acquire the knowledge of Deen.

Firstly, The strong resistance from the cursed Shaytan.

Be aware that the most hated and dangerous thing to the Cursed Shaytan is the seeking of knowledge. Therefore, he uses all his powers and resources to stop a student from learning. The Shaytan puts the most Waswasa (interference) on a student of Din. No other deed or worship besides the seeking of knowledge experiences such intensified opposition. The methods of combating these interferences are very simple. All the student has to do is remember all the Ayahs and Ahadith pertaining to the excellence of Ilm-e-Din and never pay attention to the obstruction of the evil Shaytan . Surely, an intelligent man will not give preference to the cursed Shaytan over the Bounties of the Merciful Lord SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.

Secondly, Carnal desires (Nafs) are very demanding.

It hates hardship and loves relaxing. But when one realises that this world (Duniya) is temporary and that the Hereafter (Akhirah) is the everlasting and original abode, then indeed, the hardship of seeking knowledge becomes a pleasure. One must realise that the hardship of seeking knowledge lasts for a very short period and its benefits and pleasures are limitless. As time passes and the student gets the taste of knowledge, he will develop such pleasure that he will never be at peace without reading a book. No matter where he goes or what he does, he will never be relaxed if he does not read a book on Din.

Thirdly, Association with the public.

In the inception, set out some time to study in privacy and as one progress in this field, one will develop the love of knowledge so much so that everything else will have no value.

Fourthly, Worldly fame and honour.

It is obvious that the seeker of worldly fame is never successful and fades away in time to come. Worldly fame and honour is of no comparison to the honour of the Hereafter. How unfortunate are those who seek knowledge for this world and discard the wealth and dignity of the Hereafter? Such people destroy themselves by thinking that they are successful.

On the contrary, those who give preference to Ilm-e-Din over worldly fame, the Merciful Lord SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala certainly blesses them with honour and integrity in both the worlds. Shaykh Abu-Aswad Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho states that there is no merit greater than knowledge. A King rules over the people and the Ulama rules over them. Have you not seen that rulers have no choice but to implement the verdicts of the Ulama when matters are brought to their courts?

Anyone who loves and appreciates knowledge will surely not give preference to the kingdom of the world over it. It is reported that a destitute went to a King for a job. The King said that he was ignorant and not fit to serve him. He left and humbled himself at the feet of Imam Ghazali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho to study Ilm-e-Din. There, he learnt about the dangers of this world and harms of associating with Kings and the wealthy people. However, Imam Ghazali’s company and tutorship made him an intellectual celebrity. One day, the King called him and assessed his profound knowledge. He was overwhelmed and said: “Now you are worthy of my service. What post would you like to take up?” The 'Aalim replied, “In the past, I was of no use to you and now you are of no use to me. Previously, you did not like me and now I do not like you.”

Fifthly, The greed of wealth.

It is obvious that the perishable wealth of this mundane world cannot be compared to the wealth of knowledge. When a man dies, his wealth does not accompany him to the grave, but the knowledge accompanies him to the grave and always assists him until he enters Jannah. Worldly wealth decreases when it is spent but knowledge increases when it is imparted. The wealthy have to protect his wealth while knowledge protects the Alim. Furthermore, Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala does not leave one a destitute if one gives preference to the seeking of knowledge over business and trade. Imam Ghazali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho records in his Ihya al-Uloom,

مَن تَفَقَّهُ فيِ دِينِ اللهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ كَفَاهَ اللهُ تَعَالَى مَا اَهَمّه ُ وَ رَزَقَهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لاَ يَحْتَسِبْ
One who develops understanding in Din, Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala protects him from depression and provides sustenance for him from places he cannot imagine of.

Sixthly, The destruction of wealth.

Man gets very worried and depressed when he thinks of his undetermined life span and shortage of time. Hence, he wrongfully deduces that knowledge is an ocean and one’s entire life span is too little to achieve it. This is absolute ignorance. No soul can reach the ultimate peak of perfection in knowledge in one’s lifetime, so much so that Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala Commands His Beloved Rasool Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him

قُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِيْ عِلْماً
Beloved Rasool, say, “O my Lord! Increase my knowledge”. [Surah Taha : 114]

Taking all this into account, there is still no seeker of knowledge that is deprived of honour and excellence. A sincere student of Ilm-e-Din will not experience embarrassment and failure. All the branches of Ilm-e-Din are certainly profitable no matter how little is acquired. The Hadith Sharif states that if a person dies whilst studying Ilm-e-Din and did not complete his course, he will be raised amongst the Ulama on the Day of Qiyamah. Another narration says that if a student of Din dies while studying, the Angels will complete his studies for him in his grave. Is this a small benefit that Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala Divinely provides for the people of learning (Ulama)?

Seventh, Not to get a compassionate teacher (Ustaz).

This is of paramount importance to a successful student. Surely, one will not be able to achieve anything if the Ustaaz does not teach correctly. Nowadays, there are very few sincere teachers of Din that are dedicated to their students and this has greatly contributed to the dwindling number of good students.

Eighth, The concern for livelihood.

Eight obstruction is the most difficult one and this refers to obtain just enough to carry on with one’s daily needs. Always remember that extra is always extra. The greed for extra is generally found in every human. This greed for extra has destroyed many people. The last two obstructions are serious problems because if one does not get a compassionate teacher what can one benefit from him and if one does not get enough food to eat then how is one to concentrate on studies? Weakness and hunger are serious problems that cannot be controlled by a student. Therefore, it is very important for the wealthy to cater for the student.

Likewise, financial contributions of generous Muslims to Islamic Institutes will certainly remove these problems. There are enormous virtues for the teachers and students of Din and even more so for those who financially keep these Institutes operational. The same will apply to those who encourage people to support such institution. The Hadith Sharif states:

إِنَّ الدَّالَّ عَلَى الْخَيرِ كَفَاعِلِهِ
Indeed, the promoter of virtue is like the virtuous. [Sunnah Tirmidi, Hadith 2739]

Besides the above Hadith Sharif there are numerous other Ahadith Sharif in the Siha-Sitta that speaks of the virtues on this subject. However, be mindful that the Thawab of actions vary according to situations and moments. Therefore, the status of the noble Sahaba Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho are so lofty because they promoted the Din and sacrificed their lives in the most difficult and volatile moments and situations in the history of Islam. Hence, if one promotes Ilm-e-Din in these distraught moments of poverty, one will certainly achieve more Thawab than the wealthy individuals and rich Kings of the past who promoted knowledge. This is so because firstly, the Kings had great resource available and secondly, they lived in the era when Ilm-e-Din was well and alive, progressing day-by-day. The people too, were very honourable and loved to study the Din.

A Sincere Request

Beloved Muslim brethren! Awaken from your dreams of fantasies and seek the knowledge of Din. This is your guide to success in the Hereafter. Why do you waste so much of time in fruitless activities in this temporary abode and pay no heed to the real success and salvation? Spend some time to acquire Ilm-e-Din so that you may distinguish between good and bad. Ignorance is no excuse in the Divine Court of Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. In fact, it is a sin on its own. This knowledge is helpful in all aspects of this world and the Hereafter. It will save you from embarrassment and humiliation. Spend some money and time to earn this great wealth. Do not wait for the last moment before you think of studying. It will be useless!!

A very meaningful message written on a grave.

A very meaningful message written on a grave.

"As you are, So WE were. As WE are, so you shall be."

"The positive thinker sees the invisible

"The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible."

No one will manufacture a lock without a key

No one will manufacture a lock without a key.

Similarly Allah won't create problems without solutions.

So defeat ur problems with confidence

Don’t marry a rich man

"Don’t marry a rich man. Marry a good man. He will spend his life trying to keep you happy. No rich man can buy that."

Dear Problems, My Allah is bigger than you.

Good Bye!

Don’t worry about tomorrow

Don’t worry about tomorrow. Come closer to Allah and you will be far away from worries.

Don't forget to thank Allah

Don't forget to thank Allah, because you have eyes to read this message. say Alhamdulillah

Don't give up

Don't give up! Don't stop believing! Stay full of hope and expectation. Allah's power is limitless.

With Allah on your side, the impossible becomes possible.

I got 99 problems, but it's okay. Allah has unlimited answers.

Allah didn't wake you this morning just to

Allah didn't wake you this morning just to have an OK day. He woke you to have an extraordinary day.

A strong person is not one

A strong person is not one who overcomes people, but one who overcomes his own self.

Allah is great. We must keep the faith, Never give up, reach out and do whatever it takes. Allah is there.

If Allah can provide for the fish in the sea

If Allah can provide for the fish in the sea, and the birds in the sky, what makes you think He won't provide for you?

Never say "why always me

Never say "why always me?" Allah has a plan and everyone receives their share. Dua' and Sabr but never question Allah's decree.

Heaven lies under your mothers feet..

Heaven lies under your mothers feet..

You're as close to Allah as you want to be!

Who said real men don't cry

Who said real men don't cry? Our prophet Muhammad saw cried and made dua for us before we even come to this earth. Allah hu Akbar

Backbiting, gossiping, spreading rumors,

Backbiting, gossiping, spreading rumors, suspicion, judging others, seeking out faults.. are all major #haram acts in Islam.