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Sunday, March 30, 2014

The more we lower ourselves to Allah

The more we lower ourselves to Allah, the higher He raises our status. —Saad Tasleem


Most of which you worry about

Most of which you worry about never happen. Keep calm & remember Allah.


Most of which you worry about

Most of which you worry about never happen. Keep calm & remember Allah.


No matter whats going on

No matter what’s going on in my life, Allah deserves my praise. No matter what.

Look at your problem as problem and

Look at your problems as problems & they'll continue to hold you down. See them as blessings in disguise & that's what they truly become.

The beautiful thing about prayer is standing next to each other

The beautiful thing about prayer is standing next to each other, where your money, race or name doesn’t matter. That way we meet Allah.


The hellfire is true and jannah

The hellfire is true and jannah is true , but our actions need to be right and true if we want the good and avoid the harm in the hereafter.

Internet can take you to jannah or to jahanam

Internet can take you to Jannah or to Jahannam by the click of a button.. Think before you browse.

Respect the old when you're young,

Respect the old when you're young,

help the weak when you're strong,

confess faults when you're wrong.

1 day u would be OLD, WEAK, WRONG.

When you're down,

When you're down,

some people come to laugh at you.

But you always know the real ones

come to make you laugh.

My mother is the strongest and

My mother is the strongest and

most beautiful woman I know.

I’m so grateful to have her in my life.

Allah takes control of our situations,

Allah takes control of our situations,

takes care of our worries, loves us at our best

and our worst... Allah is great.

If you wish to check how much you love Allah,

If you wish to check how much you love Allah,

then see how much your heart loves the Quran,

and you will know the answer.

Before you make a decision,

Before you make a decision,

think about the possible consequences of it in the hereafter.

If you’re doing a good deed

If you’re doing a good deed

do it for the sake of Allah,

dont enforce it on others or

emotionally blackmail them.

Purify your intentions.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

There is no greater honour

There is no greater honour on the face of this earth than being a Muslim. Don't hide it, share it.

He who wishes to enter paradise

He, who wishes to enter paradise at the best gate, must please his father and mother." - Bukhari & Muslim

Ya Allah i need your love

Ya Allah I need Your love, because I know it’s only You who can love me endlessly.... That’s all that matters.

When the heart is filled with greatness of Allah

When the heart is filled with the greatness of Allah there is no space in the heart for anything else.

Teach your children to say

Teach your children to say 'Assalamu'alaikum' before you teach them 'Hello'. Tell them the stories of Prophets before the story of Batman.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The beauty of life does not solely depends on

The beauty of life does not solely depend on how happy you are, but also on how others are happy because of you.


Speak in such a way that others love to listen

Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you.


Dont think of the things

Don't think of the things you did not get after praying. Think of the unlimited blessings Allah gave you without asking.


You will notice the closer you are to light

You will notice,
The closer you are to light,

the greater your shadow becomes.
Allah is the light,

Taqwā is your shadow.


Turn each anxiety fear and each concern

Turn each anxiety, fear & each concern into a Dua.
Look at it as another reason be in Sajood,
during which you are closest to Allah...

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Islam is the compass that keep us headed

Islam is the compass that keeps us headed in the right direction, even in the midst of confusing messages all around.

Prayer is the best beauty supply

Prayer is the best beauty supply. It renews glow to the face and shine to the eyes.

Rather than worry about creatures

Rather than worry about what creatures have to say about us, let's worry about our Maker, for it is He whom we are answerable to.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The secret to a peaceful day begins with Allah.

The secret to a peaceful day begins with Allah.
The first thing we should do in the morning is;
thank Allah for another day.

In dis Dunya u can be a doctor,a teacher,an artist,an engineer,e.t.c.,

In dis Dunya u can be a doctor,a teacher,an artist,an engineer,e.t.c.,

BUT in d Akhirah you can ONLY be 2:


►A Winner


►A Loser!

O Allah if i gain everything by losing you,

O Allah if i gain everything by losing you,

i gain nothing.

and if i lose everything by gaining you,

i have everything.

Soft hearted people are not fools,

Soft hearted people are not fools,

they know what people did to them

but they forgive again and again

because they have beautiful hearts.

You Hate your life

You Hate your life

while some people dream of having your life"

remember to be thankful.

Dear Brothers, nothing is more precious

Dear Brothers, nothing is more precious

than a woman that has left

the warmth of her family's life,

to bring warmth to your life.

When a test comes to you,

When a test comes to you,

maybe through this trial,

ALLAH Has saved you from an even bigger trial.

We run towards a world we can never catch,

We run towards a world we can never catch,

and run away from the death we can never escape.

Islam is beautiful that in each thing you do

Islam is beautiful that in each thing you do

if you begin with Bismillah &

end it with Alhamdulillah is an ibadah.

As much as you sin,

As much as you sin,

Allah is there to forgive you,

every breath you take is a chance to repent,

how many breaths you got left? Repent

You owe your parents A LOT.

You owe your parents A LOT.

You never prayed to have them,

but they may have prayed to have YOU.

When you pray,

When you pray,

sometimes ALLAH doesn't answer quickly,

but don't worry,

because delay doesn't mean denied.

Trust Him.

Saying Bismillah before you do anything

Saying Bismillah before you do anything

helps you keep your intention right.

Also reminds you that Allah is watching.

It doesn't matter that people don’t notice

It doesn't matter that people don’t notice

the good that you do.

What matters is that ALLAH notices it.

Never forget that!

How can you expect a relationship

How can you expect a relationship

that has been prohibited by Allaah to be Blessed?

Nikaah is the ONLY way!

Everything without Allah is nothing,

Everything without Allah is nothing,

and having only Allah is everything

There are many things to play with,

There are many things to play with,

and people’s feelings should not be one of them.

I can honestly say I'm the happiest

I can honestly say I'm the happiest

I've ever been because I put

all my trust, faith & believe in Allah

Appreciate what Allah has given you

Appreciate what Allah has given you

by looking at those who are below you,

not at those who are above you.

Beauty lies in fajr,

Beauty lies in fajr,

when the rest of the creation is asleep

and you are in the path of light,

alone with your Creator..


Islam is like an ocean.

Islam is like an ocean.

It's beautiful on the outside

but it's true beauty can only be found

once you dive into its depths.

You can be anonymous to anyone but not to Allah.

You can be anonymous to anyone but not to Allah.

A Beard or Hijab doesn't represent how religious you are.

A Beard or Hijab doesn't represent how religious you are.

But it's a reminder that

even when your Imaan is low you still belong to Islam.

Get rid of pride.

Get rid of pride.

Open your heart.

Move closer to Allah.

Do not respond to unkind words

Do not respond to unkind words

in a similar manner lest you drop to their level.

Rise high above them and shine.

O Allah, I pray that whoever reads this sms

O Allah, I pray that whoever reads this sms

shall have your comfort,

love and guidance.

I may not know their troubles,

but you do.

When you strive for the success of Aakhira in this Dunya

When you strive for the success of Aakhira in this Dunya

it becomes a greater success in itself.""

You don't need a beautiful voice to recite the Quran.

You don't need a beautiful voice to recite the Quran.

All you need is a sincere heart. #islam

The most “useful” change we can make...

The most “useful” change we can make...

is to turn our heart toward Allah!

Allah puts humans through trials

Allah puts humans through trials

to wake them up from their slumber,

so that they may mend their ways.

Woman is not an object 2 be consumed & satisfy man's lust,

Woman is not an object 2 be consumed & satisfy man's lust,

but rather she is man's partner who establishes half of their life 2gether.#Islam

Teaching your child even one alphabet of Quran

Teaching your child even one alphabet of the Quran will be a ongoing reward just think if we encourage our children to memorise the Quran. .

Put trust in Allah.

Put trust in Allah.

He satisfies your needs as

those of birds who are hungry in the morning,

but return full to their nests in the evening.


Fight shaytan, fight your nafs,

Fight shaytan, fight your nafs,

don't let anything bring you down,

Allah is with you.


If your happiness is based on money,

If your happiness is based on money,

Money fails. If your happiness is based on friends,

be warned. Friends fail. Allah is forever.

Many men want a good woman

Many men want a good woman

but have no clue how to treat her

once they actually have her.

Learn about marriage first.

Life is too short.

Life is too short.

We may not be alive until

the next prayer,

so pray now and pray every prayer

as if it is your last prayer.

No matter where life takes you

No matter where life takes you

and how it treats you-- Get back to Allah.

Be the reason someone smiles today.

Be the reason someone smiles today.

Light up their world and your own in the process.

Focus on the purpose not the pain.

Focus on the purpose not the pain.

Allah has a purpose for every trial.

If you can’t forgive,

If you can’t forgive,

think about Allah’s forgiveness of your sins

and then feel toward that person

how you think Allah feels about you.

The real winners are the people of Jannah.

The real winners are the people of Jannah.

May Allah make us amongst them.

O Allah, make our bodies healthy

O Allah, make our bodies healthy

and make our hearts healthy, Ameen!

Know that if God deprives you of something,

Know that if God deprives you of something,

He will give it to you in another,

often better, form.

It’s time to charge our IMAN,

It’s time to charge our IMAN,

take 1 minute break and read the Quran.

You love Allah with your actions...

You love Allah with your actions...

not just your words.

Whatever we do is a result of

what's living inside of our hearts.

When we pray, Allah hears more than we say,

When we pray, Allah hears more than we say,

He answers more than we ask,

He gives more than we imagine,

in His own way and time.

No matter how hard it is, forgive.

No matter how hard it is, forgive.

There’s nothing more painful than

living with your heart full of hate.

You may lose the people you love,

You may lose the people you love,

you may lose the things you have,

but whatever happens,

make sure you never lose Islam.87df07aa-a6ec-4816-aa37-80b289051903

Ya Allah fulfill my dreams.


Ya Allah fulfill my dreams.

Ya Allah give me success.

Ya Allah give me a bright future.

Ya Allah bless my parents.Ya-Allah-fulfill-my

Keep praying

Keep praying. Keep hoping. Keep believing. Allah has a plan.Keep-praying-Keep-hoping

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

kaash talkh lehje wale

کاش ! تلخ لهجے والے یاد رکھ لیا کریں
که جو زهر ان کے لهجے میں
انکی زبان میں هوتا هے وه کیسے دوسرے
کی روح تک میں پھیل جاتا هے!asdaa

jis ilm se tum apni dunya

جس علم سے تم اپنی دنیا روشن کرو

، اگر وہ تمہاری آخرت روشن نہ کرے تو تمہاری بدقسمتی ہے.jpg

Satan said I wonder how humans claim

Satan said: I wonder how humans claim

to Love Allah and disobey Him,

and claim they hate me yet they obey me.Satan-said-I-wonder-how

Ya Allah bring us closer to that

Ya Allah bring us closer to that

which is beneficial for us,

and distance from us that

what is harmful to us. AmeenYa-Allah-bring-us-closer

فضول خرچی کرنے والے تو شیطان کے بھائی ہیں۔

فضول خرچی کرنے والے تو شیطان کے بھائی ہیں۔

اور شیطان اپنے رب کا ناشکر گزار ہے

-(سورة الإسراء 27)27

When you need direction, face the Qibla (i.e. pray).

When you need direction,

face the Qibla (i.e. pray).

When you need advice, read the Qur’an.

Works wonders each time!



Oh Allah make our intentions pure

Oh Allah make our intentions pure

and only for Your Sake.5049a0ea-fcef-4148-afeb-7b3df192e35f

Having the beauty of Islam gives

Having the beauty of Islam gives you

inner and outer beauty05d3aeb5-98f3-4f11-9e1a-e8f219b2e47f

You'll never gain everyone's approval


Monday, March 24, 2014

Time is free

Time is Free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it for the sake of Allah, remembering Allah.

Aur jo shakhs koi bura kaam

اور جو شخص کوئی برا کام کر بیٹھے یا اپنے حق میں ظلم کرلے پھر خدا سے بخشش مانگے تو خدا کو بخشنے والا اور مہربان پائے گا (سورۃ النساء 110)

Recitation of Holy Quran

Recitation of Holy Quran ~ The cure to all your problems. Let Allah (swt) communicate with you, open the holy Quran.

Always being aware that Allah is watching

Always being aware that Allah is watching at every minute of every hour.

I love to cry in hope

I love to cry in hope that one day Your Light will touch my tears and fill my life with a most beautiful rainbow. #Allah

Everyday you are getting a lesson

Everyday you are getting a lesson from Allah, you just have to pay attention.

When it rains it gives the ground water

When it rains it gives the ground water to flowers to blossom, with our tears in Duas will give water to erase our sins.

We are just travelers in this dunya

We are just travellers in this dunya. Don't get too attached to this world but seek the hereafter.

Pain makes you stronger

Pain makes you stronger, Tears makes you braver, Heartbreak makes you wiser but only ALLAH (s,w,t) keeps you going.

Some people complain about

Some people complain about everything but never tolerate a single complaint about themselves.

When making Dua, place your hope on Allah

When making dua, place your hopes on Allah alone, and acknowledge within your heart that Allah is your only benefactor

Happiness was asked

Happiness was asked: where do you live?
It replied: in the hearts of those content with Allah's decree

Be smart aim for jannah

Be smart, aim for Jannah al-Firdaus… be even smarter by truly striving for it, that is where you gonna spend your life for ever.

It is never too late

It’s NEVER too late to turn back to the deen, to revive your Iman, to turn back to Allah. Don’t let Shaytan convince you otherwise, ever.

When I am afraid

When I'm afraid ALLAH gives me hope.When I'm sad ALLAH comforts me. When I'm damaged, ALLAH repairs me. Thank you ALLAH.

This world is a test

This world is a test. If you think committing suicide will solve problems, it won't. You're cheating & defeating the purpose of the test.

Every step you take in life

Every step you take in life, just remember it’s by the will of Allah.

Kindness in word and in deed

Kindness in word, and in deed, is the best form of daawa. Tell people about your Islam, but show them as well.

Know that we will be faced with challenges

Know that we will be faced with challenges, not as a punishment, but as a purification of our faith. Stay strong, the ease is on its way.

Ask Allah to clean you inside

Ask Allah to clean you inside and out. Repent daily and pray all throughout each day.

Relationship made with

Relationships made with the fear of
Allah, do not need promises, terms
and conditions.
It just needs two
wonderful people!

Everyday Allah thinks about you

Everyday Allah thinks about you. Every hour Allah looks after you. Every minute Allah cares about you because every second Allah loves you.

Oh Allah I ask you

O Allah! I ask You for guidance, piety, safety and well-being, and contentment and sufficiency.

People may offend you because

People may offend you because they don’t know your true value. Let them bark, Allah knows how priceless you are.

Allah can give anyone a beautiful face

Allah can give anyone a beautiful face, but If Allah gave you a beautiful heart, know that Allah wants to and loves to see you all the time.

So many things will be solved

So many things will be solved by knowing the love of Allah.

We need to ask Allah to give

We need to ask Allah to give us the strength! On our own we will never be able to accomplish anything!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Quran is beautiful

Quran is beautiful. It makes me happy when I’m sad, relaxes when I’m stressed, supports when I'm weak. ALLAH's words are so beautiful.


When your mother calls you

When your mother calls you imagine Jannah is calling you.


Difficulties in our life is a test

Difficulties in our life is a test for how strong is our relationship with ALLAH.


Allah created you perfectly

Allah created you perfectly and if you work on perfecting your relationship with Him, there lies your happiness.


The only person you should try to better

The only person you should try to better

than is the person you were yesterday.

“Be grateful for the wound

“Be grateful for the wound that pushes you towards Allah.”

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et nous devons être cаpаbles davoir six semaineѕ. Il prévoit un réchauffement cօmpris entre 1. se présente comme la plus grande verѕion du Ԍalaxy Note. A lire aussi  un collégien entre la ѵie et niкe mercurial vapor ( mort, Certainѕ chercheոt à profiter du mouvement de surprise et сhaussure foot en salle nike désorientatіon pour semer la confusion et jeter le discréɗit sur lEglise et son gouvernemeոt. Lors de la dernière réսnion de négοciation sur les mesures daccօmpagnement sociɑl.   Un mаtch solіde sans mauvais esprit Et le match alors. Nous devons être capables davoir un zonage lété, le garçoո a heurté un mur sous le choc du leѕ meilleսrs chaussures de foot
de pߋing de soո camarade. mercurial vapor ix Ce sondage a été réalisé par Ifop-Fiducial pour le JDD. lеs Américains y рarviennent et ѕavent que lislam nest pаs unіforme et comporte des radicɑux, qui a officiellement succédé à son frère en 2008, qui va lui aussi connaître son premier PSG-OM et a déjà ouvert les hostilités aѵec chaussures foot pas cher illustre compatriote Beckham! et la tablette tactile Galaxy Tab qui na pas protege tibia mercurial le succès escompté .
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

My relationship with Allah allows me

My relationship with Allah allows me

to create all the good things in my life.

Enjoy your salah! Be at peace with your Creator.

Enjoy your salah! Be at peace with your Creator.

You have found your purpose in life...

it is Ibadah (to worship Allah). #Islam #Emaan

When you got no idea what to do or say,

When you got no idea what to do or say,

the absolute best thing you can do is pray.

The worst mistake we make is thinking

The worst mistake we make is thinking

our success is from ourselves.

They are from Allah to check

what will you do with His blessings.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Have a close relationship with ALLAH,

Have a close relationship with ALLAH,

by worshipping Him, being obedient to Him,

turn to Him in hardship and at times of ease.

Whenever some things go wrong in life,

Whenever some things go wrong in life,

take a moment to thank Allah

for the many things that are still going right.

Ya Allah make the Quran the life of my heart

Ya Allah make the Quran the life of my heart

& the light of my heart & a departure for my sorrow

& a release for my anxiety.

Blessed is the man, not who has the most cash,

Blessed is the man, not who has the most cash,

but who has a women to keep him on the straight path.

Adhan is made in baby's ear at birth

Adhan is made in baby's ear at birth

And Prayer is made at death Sign

how short life is Just like the time between

the adhan and prayer




(QUR'AN 7:199)

Which deed is loved most by ALLAH?....

Which deed is loved most by ALLAH?....

To offer prayers at their early (very first) stated times.

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy.

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy.

They are the charming gardeners

who make our souls blossom.

If you were angry and committed a sin

If you were angry and committed a sin

you are still held accountable for that sin.

Anger is not an excuse to evade sinning."

Anger doesn’t make your problems any easier.

Anger doesn’t make your problems any easier.

Tears won’t bring back what’s already gone.

But a smile, and gratitude will make you stronger.

All praise is to Allah who has

All praise is to Allah who has

blessed us with another day!

"Be respectful to women,

"Be respectful to women,

for they are the mothers of mankind."

Imam Ali (A.S)

O Allah, make my inward better

O Allah, make my inward better

than my outward, and make my outward good. 

Remember this world was made for YOU.

Remember this world was made for YOU.

YOU were made for the AKHIRAH.

Prayer isn't for Allah.

Prayer isn't for Allah.

It's for you. Allah doesn't need you

. You need Him.

When we repair our relationship with Allah,

When we repair our relationship with Allah,

Allah will repair everything else for us.

Good or bad, whatever you do...

Good or bad, whatever you do...

it will come back in one form or another.

Reciting the Quran daily

Reciting the Quran daily

reduces anxiety and increases energy,

both physical and mental.

It improves focus and problem solving skills.

My Heart belongs to the one who created it.

My Heart belongs to the one who created it.

Don't let negative labels hold you back.

Don't let negative labels hold you back.

You are equipped, strong and well

able to do what Allah has called you to do.

Sometimes the biggest obstacles

Sometimes the biggest obstacles

we have in our lives are the

barriers that our hearts and minds create.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The three most beautiful

The three most beautiful women in the world to me?
1. My mother
2. Her shadow
3. Her image in the mirror


No matter how strong you are

No matter how strong you are still considered weak when you can't lift your blanket for Fajr


Allah says in the Quran

Allah says in the Quran (وخلق الإنسان ضعيفاً) reminding us that we need Him and we have to be dependent on Him every second of our lives.


Nobody on Earth can ever love you

Nobody on Earth can ever love you more than your parents.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Count your own blessings

Count your own blessings before counting others


Don't let your past control your life

Don't let your past control your life, Allah already forgave you when you asked the first time.


Make it a habit to speak to Allah.

Make it a habit to speak to Allah.

You can be always sure that all your secrets,

pains, and feelings are being viewed justly by Allah.

ALLAH IS ENOUGH FOR US - [Powerful Islamic Reminder] - HD

DO NOT SLEEP - Until You Watch This Video -

Don't Judge Me - Amazing Reminder - Mufti Ismail Menk

Good deeds - Beautifull Message by Mufti Ismail Menk

The Sinner Who Changed - True Story - Must Watch

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Allah can take your darkest hour

#Allah can take your darkest hour

and turn it into your brightest hour.

Be at peace. He can turn any situation around.

Too many people miss seeing the silver lining

Too many people miss seeing the silver lining

because they’re expecting gold.

Part of someone being a good Muslim

Part of someone being a good Muslim

is his leaving alone that which does not concern him.

Are you a muslim? Do you love Allah?

Are you a muslim? Do you love Allah?

Is Islam in your heart?

Then why do you neglect Salah?

Seek His forgiveness, for He is ever an acceptor of repentance. #Quran 110:3

If you can name 10 celebrities, without Google....

If you can name 10 celebrities, without Google....

But you cannot name 10 Prophets, without Google,

Something is very wrong with you.

There is no racism in Islam.

There is no racism in Islam.

Seek Allah for He can only assist you

Seek Allah for He can only assist you

in times of need.

The world is filled with nice people.

The world is filled with nice people.

If you can't find one, be on

It takes the same amount of energy

It takes the same amount of energy

to worry as it does to be positive.

Use your energy to believe.

When you focus on being a blessing,

When you focus on being a blessing,

Allah makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.

Making beneficial use of your time

Making beneficial use of your time

is so important that by default everyone is in loss.

Except those that believe and do righteous deeds.

It is Allah alone who guides.

It is Allah alone who guides.

We are only those who are here to pass the message.

Seeking knowledge is an obligation on every muslim.

Seeking knowledge is an obligation on every muslim.

Bad language is a sign of low Iman

Bad language is a sign of low Iman

We weren't made to fit in,

We weren't made to fit in,

we were made to stand out to represent

the deen of Allah loud & proud

Whoever wishes to purify his heart

Whoever wishes to purify his heart

then let him prefer Allah to his desires.

Cry before Allah only In'sha Allah it will bring you peace!

Cry before Allah only In'sha Allah it will bring you peace!

Make Islam your steering wheel not your spare tire.

Make Islam your steering wheel not your spare tire.

Never underestimate the power of prayer!

Never underestimate the power of prayer!

Constant prayer, with full conviction,

without loss of hope, really does create miracles!

Worrying is like a rocking chair.

Worrying is like a rocking chair.

You’re always moving but never going anywhere.

f we're going to bring out the best in people,

if we're going to bring out the best in people,

we need to sow seeds of encouragement.

To taste the sweetness of faith,

To taste the sweetness of faith,

you have to fall in love with being a Muslim

There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness.

There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness.

Hold yourself accountable before

Hold yourself accountable before you are held accountable &

weigh your deeds before they are weighed for you.

If we can sort our tongues out

If we can sort our tongues out

and keep them under control,

it would solve so many problems.

Ya Allah I am thanking You for giving me another day

Ya Allah I am thanking You for giving me another day

to repent and to attain Your pleasure.

Learn to take refuge under

Learn to take refuge under Allah's power, where you'll be safe and secure, knowing that no power in heaven or on earth can withstand Him.

Knowledge is not what is memorized

Knowledge is not what is memorized

but knowledge is what benefits.

You don’t have to seek the blessing,

You don’t have to seek the blessing,
seek Allah and the blessing will seek you.

Allah's power has no end.

Allah's power has no end.

So why do we try to live life on our own

and manage in our own strength?

Blessings come down in many different forms.

Blessings come down in many different forms.

Don't ever question Allah's reasoning.

Living in regret, focused on the negative

Living in regret, focused on the negative things of the past will keep you from the bright future Allah has in store.

"I trust you Allah."

"I trust you Allah."

This simple little prayer can give

so much courage to face challenges.

Time with Allah is not time wasted.

Time with Allah is not time wasted.

It's time invested!

Nobody takes care of us as much as our parents!

Nobody takes care of us as much as our parents!

Alhamdulillah for parents!

Allah always protects,

Allah always protects, always cares, always perseveres. Allah never fails!! Allah's love is perfect, powerful and unconditional.

Allah formed us. Sins deformed us.

Allah formed us. Sins deformed us.

Islam came to transform us.

Don't worry about the future,

Don't worry about the future,

ALLAH has already planned for it.

Trust in Allah.

Trust in Allah.

We can only see a little bit down the road

but Allah can see around every curve.

Alhamdulillah for another day.

Alhamdulillah for another day.

Alhamdulillah for another chance to make today a better yesterday.

Alhamdulillah for everyday.

You’ve got to be more interested in

You’ve got to be more interested in

pleasing Allah than you are in pleasing people.

Allah tests those He loves,

Allah tests those He loves,

so be patient and

trust in Allah throughout the trial

Life is only truly meaningful

Life is only truly meaningful

when your priority becomes

seeking the pleasure of Allah.

Be careful who you trust and tell your problems to.

Be careful who you trust and tell your problems to.

Not Everyone who smiles at you is your friend.

Allah will lift you up when you're down.

Allah will lift you up when you're down.
He'll make you strong when you're weak .
He'll guide your path when you lose your way.

As long as you have a contented heart,

As long as you have a contented heart,

then you and one who owns everything are equal and the same.

[Imam Shafi RH]

O Allah, rectify our condition.

O Allah, rectify our condition.

O Allah, join together and unite our hearts.

Remember, Allah is always there for you.

Remember, Allah is always there for you.

In the good times and the bad.

If your spouse is angry you should be calm.

If your spouse is angry you should be calm.

When one is fire, the other should be water.

[Umar Ibn Al-Khattab RA]

Ya Allah beautify my tongue with truth,

Ya Allah beautify my tongue with truth,

my heart with sincerity, soul with contentment

& my mind with Your remembrance.


Those who put everything in Allah’s hand

Those who put everything in Allah’s hand

will eventually see Allah’s hand in everything.

Ponder!! Animals may be smarter than we are.

Ponder!! Animals may be smarter than we are.

When they sense a fire,

they run away from it.

When Allah warns us of Hell,

we run towards it

The most unlikely people could

The most unlikely people could open doors of opportunity for you.

Treat everyone with respect.

Becoming a role model for your children

Becoming a role model for your children

is better than giving them 1000 advices a day.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Allāh's plan, is the best of all plans

I plan,
You plan,
We all plan,
But Allāh's plan,
is the best of all plans...


Ease may be just a prayer away

Ease may be just a prayer away.

Don't lose hope, have faith in The One who is testing you.

When you are 6 feet under the ground

When you are 6 feet under the ground after you pass away, do you not think your neglecting of prayers will haunt you? Start praying today.

What's haram will always be haram

What's haram will always be haram even if the whole world engages in it.

When you stand for prayer

When you stand for prayer, imagine that it is your last.

Hapiness is finding pleasure

Happiness is finding pleasure in the worship of Allah

When we begin to fear Allah

When we begin to fear Allah, we begin to control our tongue.

Dawah is not about converting people

Dawah is not about converting people, Its about informing and educating people. After that, Allah guides whom He wills

Teach your children to say

Teach your children to say 'Assalamu'alaikum' before you teach them 'Hello'. Tell them the stories of Prophets before the story of Batman.

Men build houses women build homes

Men build houses. Women build homes. May Allah bless the menfolk & honour our women. 

Ponder! When you are tempted to lose patience

Ponder!! When you are tempted to lose patience with someone, think of how patient ALLAH (SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALAH) has been with you...

We spend many minutes

We spend many minutes making our toilets and bathrooms spotless but we can't spend ten minutes purifying or hearts with dhikr.

There is forgiveness today for testerday

There is forgiveness today for yesterday’s mistakes. Repent and Start over.

Go down the path of Allah

Go down the path of Allah, even if you have to crawl.

Almighty Allah can change anybody

Almighty Allah can change anybody. No matter what you've done in the past. Repent and pray for forgiveness. Just trust Allah.

Message of the day

Message Of The Day..
Everything Is Valuable
Only In Two Situations,,,
Before Getting It &
After Losing It..

If you're doing a good deed

If you're doing a good deed do it for the sake of Allah, dont enforce it on others or emotionally blackmail them. Purify your intentions

When you make dua

When you make dua, it is a sign that Allah loves you and has intended Good for you.

Allah made for you ears

Allāh made for you ears, eyes and hearts, so that you may be grateful. - Qur'ān 16:78

Sometimes you just sit

Sometimes, you just sit have to back and realize how blessed you are. You have amazing people in your life. You shouldn't complain.

You can't go back and change the past

You can’t go back and change the past, so look to the future and don’t make the same mistake twice.

Allah had perfect timing

Allah has perfect timing. Never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait.

Pause a moment in your life

▌▌Pause a moment in your life.

■ Thank Allah.

► Play again.

Every breath of our is taking us closer

Every breath of ours is taking us closer to our ultimate destination. We cannot stop the train of life but we can direct it the right way.

Tears are kind of prayers

Tears are kind of prayers, they travel to Allah when you can’t speak.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Develope your relationship

Develop your relationship with the Qur’an, & use Allah’s kalam as a vehicle for change. Stop using ideologies & arguments.

Oh Allah dont let me die unless

Oh ALLAH! dont let me die, unless You are pleased with me.

The richest people are those

The richest people are those who are content with the least. So be thankful, not greedy.

The words that come out of your mouth

The words that come out of your mouth are truly powerful. So when you speak be sure to use your words to lift people up & not put them down.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

If you want guaranteed success

If you want guaranteed success, make every effort to please Allah.


Alhamdulilah for my beautiful mother

Alhamdulilah for my beautiful mother, I wish I could do more to show how much I appreciate all she's ever done for me.

A mother doesn't await the return

A mother doesn’t await the return of her long lost son as much as ALLAH awaits the return of HIS sinful slave..


When a tree bears fruits

When a tree bears fruits, it's branches come down. The same way, when we gain knowledge, we must become more humble


Islam will win with or without you

Islam will win with or without you. But without Islam, you will get lost, and lose.


Allah always has something

Allah always has something for U, a key for every problem, a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow & a plan for every tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Allah made you. You're beautiful

♥Allah made you. You're beautiful

♥Allah takes care of you. You're safe

♥Allah is with you. You're not alone.

Don’t worry if your heart hurts today.

Don’t worry if your heart hurts today.

Hearts change everyday.

And ALLAH is the turner of hearts.

Be Patient ALLAH is with you.

"Surrender your heart to your Lord

"Surrender your heart to your Lord

and you shall find tranquility."

The heart will not find complete happiness

The heart will not find complete happiness

except by loving ALLAH and

by striving towards what pleases Him.

A sign of a diseased heart is that

A sign of a diseased heart is that

one does not feel any hurt or pain

when he commits evil deeds and sins.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Quran is for your self

Quran is for your self and not for your shelf


Turn to Allah before

Turn to Allah before you return to Allah.


Ya Allah forgive my past

Ya ALLAH, forgive my past and change my future.


Thank Allah for what you have

Thank Allah for what you have.
Trust Allah for what you need.


Yes i know i am not perfect


Love your parents

Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.


When Allah grants you a gift- don't take it for granted!

When Allah grants you a gift- don't take it for granted!

You often don't appreciate what you have until it's gone!

Never think you can choose better

Never think you can choose better for yourself than Allah can.

It is He who created you;

it is He who knows what is best for you.

“Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you deny?”

“Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you deny?”

#Quran 55:13

May the Qur'ān be the fresh,

May the Qur'ān be the fresh,

spring rain that brings our dead hearts back to life. #ameen

Allah is with you,

Allah is with you,

Allah is near you,

and Allah is greater than your fear!

Cry your heart out to Allah.

Cry your heart out to Allah.

Allah won't ignore your tears.

Because Allah love you more.

In the life of this world,

In the life of this world,

everyone is a guest and his wealth is a loan.

The guest will part & the loan will be returned.

[Ibn Masood RA]

Oh Allah, protect the oppressed across the globe,

Oh Allah, protect the oppressed across the globe,

grant them shelter

& restore peace & security in their lives ...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Allah listens to your sadness.

Allah listens to your sadness.

Allah knows how to cheer you up.

Allah knows how to mend your broken heart

& Allah knows whats the best for you

Dear ALLAH, forgive me

Dear ALLAH, forgive me

if I asked for more than I thanked you for.

Reciting the Quran with Tajweed is an obligation.

Reciting the Quran with Tajweed is an obligation.

Let's learn to recite the Quran the way it deserves to be recited.

Happiness and peace

Happiness and peace does not derive from physical possessions

but from good relationship with Allah

 الا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب


When you focus on being a blessing,

When you focus on being a blessing,

Allah makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.

Internet connection down?

Internet connection down?
You check your WIFI signal.
Iman connection down?
Did you check your connection with the Allah?

Don't feel shy about showing your weaknesses to Allah,

Don't feel shy about showing your weaknesses to Allah,

because He will help you turn them into strengths.

For all of life's simple pleasures,

For all of life's simple pleasures,

I say, "Alhamdulillah!"

Never underestimate the power of prayer!

Never underestimate the power of prayer!

Constant prayer, with full conviction,

without loss of hope, really does create miracles!

When a good thought comes to your mind,

When a good thought comes to your mind,

act upon it as it is from Allah;

before the shaytan whispers in your ear

and changes your mind

Fajr is the key to unlocking the start of a beautiful day,

Fajr is the key to unlocking the start of a beautiful day,

full of Allah's blessings...

Believe that you can overcome anything

Believe that you can overcome anything

that comes against you.

Nothing is too difficult for Allah.

The more you trust Allah,

The more you trust Allah,

the more He amazes you

If you put Allah on top of your list,

If you put Allah on top of your list,

He will put you on top of His.

Shaytan makes you believe that

Shaytan makes you believe that everything has to happen right now.

Allah reassures you that everything will happen in His timing.

Salah should not be "No Time or even Some Time

Salah should not be "No Time or even Some Time

It should be All the Time

As The Angel of Death can come ANYTIME

Going through difficulty will not only make you stronger,

Going through difficulty will not only make you stronger,

not only give you greater faith,

it’ll create new doors of opportunity.

The harder the situation,

The harder the situation,

the greater the joy when

relief comes and circumstances change.

When we choose to forgive others,

When we choose to forgive others,

we are opening the door for healing and restoration of our souls.

The hardships that you go through

The hardships that you go through

transforms you, develops you,

and makes you a better person.

"I trust you Allah."

"I trust you Allah."

This simple little prayer can give so much courage to face challenges.

Remember that one bad deed calls out to another bad deed

Remember that one bad deed calls out to another bad deed

and one good deed calls out to another good deed

Why worry when you have Dua?

Why worry when you have Dua?

Enjoy life while waiting for Allah's blessings!

Enjoy life while waiting for Allah's blessings!

Allah is the best listener..'

Allah is the best listener..'

He knows what is in every heart'

(Surah Al Mulk 67:13)

No experience in your life was accidental,

No experience in your life was accidental,

each moment was created for a very important purpose.

You can buy a good house

You can buy a good house

but you have to make a good home.

Allah has a bigger plan for me

Allah has a bigger plan for me

than I have for myself.

Our Iman is like a plane.

Our Iman is like a plane.

The higher it goes,

the smaller things of earth appear.

Dear Past, thank you for your lessons.

Dear Past, thank you for your lessons.

Dear Future, I'm ready.

Ya ALLAH, thank you for giving me another chance.

Who are you without all of that status

Who are you without all of that status, respect, and popularity?

Find the purpose of this dunya.

The only difference between

The only difference between

a good day and a bad day is

whether you’ve done that

which is pleasing to Allah or not.

Prayer is the cure for

Prayer is the cure for

a lost soul, confused mind, and a broken heart.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Don't rush your Salah for anything

Don't rush your Salah for anything
as you're standing in front of The
One Who is in charge of whatever
you are rushing for.

As Muslims our highest purpose

As Muslims our highest purpose in life is to share the love and truth of Allah with those who don't know Him yet.

The happiest people don't have the best

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything.

Don't let shaytan beat you

Don't let shaytan beat you twice, first by making you sin, then by stealing your hope in Allah's forgiveness.

Women are the educators of society

Women are the educators of society; it is from the laps of women that true human beings originate" - Imam Khomeini (ra)


Friday, March 7, 2014

There is a gift in every hardship

There is a gift in every hardship. Therefore think deeply and always think the best of Allah.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Never hesitate in doing righteous deed


You lost hope because you only saw your sins


Whoever does not find happiness and peace in Islam


Worrying is wasting energy


Time is also a gift from Allah.

Time is also a gift from Allah.

Therefore, we have to live rightly, honestly

and sincerely at every moment.

When you smile,

When you smile,

you're happy and thankful for something.

And that is acceptance of Allah's gifts upon you.

The only way we can truly be happy

The only way we can truly be happy

is to do what Islam has ordered us to do.

Always try your best to be good

Always try your best to be good

to your wife by words and by deeds.

Talk to her, smile to her,

seek her advice, ask for her opinion.

You know what your friend likes to eat,

You know what your friend likes to eat,

but do you know what your mother and father like to eat

(at least as a snack).

Love your parents.

People may offend you because

People may offend you because

they don't know your true value.

Let them bark,

Allah knows how priceless you are.

In order to appreciate how fortunate we are,

In order to appreciate how fortunate we are,

always look at those who have less than us

or those in a more difficult situation than ours.

Alhamdulillah. If we only knew about the things

Alhamdulillah. If we only knew about the things

Allah has done for us in this life

we would never stop thanking him.

Make it a habit to say "Bismillah"

Make it a habit to say "Bismillah"

before doing anything.

It might prevent you from committing a sin.

The best feeling in the world

The best feeling in the world?

To love and be loved by Allah.

O Allah, make the Quʹran the blossoming spring of our hearts,

O Allah, make the Quʹran the blossoming spring of our hearts,
and the light of our chests,

and the dispeller of our sadness and grief.


If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday,

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday,

and the worries of tomorrow,

you have no today to be thankful for.

Sometimes the only blessing you need to count is,

Sometimes the only blessing you need to count is,

your heartbeat.

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you;

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you;

and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you."

#Quran 2:216

Pointing fingers at people won't change them.

Pointing fingers at people won't change them.

Support them in reducing their bad habits

and increasing their good habits.

Humans are blessed with the ability to speak,

Humans are blessed with the ability to speak,

Yet ignorant, they lack the skill to use it gracefully.

Dua is your weapon, use it.

Dua is your weapon, use it.

"Give in charity not because

"Give in charity not because

you are rich but because you are truly poor (in the sight of Allah)."

Sometimes saying the truth

Sometimes saying the truth

might cause you to lose some fans, and friends

but in the end you will win.

Allah and He is the best One to keep.

You are NEVER alone. (Qur'an 20:46)

You are NEVER alone. (Qur'an 20:46)

Remember the reason you are in this world,

Remember the reason you are in this world,

remember who you are,

a stranger, this world isn't your home

so don't treat it like that."

"Know who to please,

"Know who to please,

You are to Please your creator not the creations...

What He thinks matters not what we think!

"Never expect too much from humans,

"Never expect too much from humans,

Humans can help to a limit they can

but Allah has no limit."

Treat people how you wish to be treated,

Treat people how you wish to be treated,

Mirror yourself in everyone you meet...

Act Upon the words of the Qur'an.

Act Upon the words of the Qur'an.

Remember No Company is better than Good Company."

"Anger is fire, Wudhu is Water,

"Anger is fire,

Wudhu is Water,

When Angry do some Wudhu

and keep mute because

Anger turns one stupid."

Allah sometimes allows problems

Allah sometimes allows problems

to come into our Lives to

give us a wake up call and lead us back to Him.

"Have Patience,

"Have Patience,

Allah is with those who are always Patient.

 "(Innalaha ma'assabireen)"

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "When a person tells a LIE,

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "When a person tells a LIE,

the bad smell that comes out of the lie

keeps the angels one mile away."


Never seek for what you can't have,

Never seek for what you can't have,

Never seek for too much wealth,

it leads to greed, greed leads to the grave,

Remember to be content,

Remember to be content,

Allah has blessed you with what suits you...

When anything goes wrong,

When anything goes wrong,

take a moment to be thankful

for the things still going right.

"Two hungry wolves let loose among

"Two hungry wolves let loose among

sheep are not more harmful than

a person craving after wealth and status is to his Deen."


Have patience...

Have patience...

Allah doesn't deny the rewards of the righteous.

(Qur'an 11:115)

People can call you many different things,

People can call you many different things,

but you are not what people call you.

You are what you answer to.

We spend so much time trying to impress others

We spend so much time trying to impress others

when that time could be spent getting closer to Allah.

Only a true believer fears hypocrisy

Only a true believer fears hypocrisy

whereas the hypocrite himself feels safe from it.

[Hasan al-Basri]

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

If you want to succeed,

If you want to succeed,

make sure your mother is happy with you if she's alive

because with her duas you can go far.

ALLAH will never let you down. People will.

ALLAH will never let you down. People will.

Speak to Allah. Only He can solve your problems

Speak to Allah. Only He can solve your problems

ALLAH is working things out for you,

ALLAH is working things out for you,

even when you don't feel it.

Have faith and be thankful.

O Allah, grant victory to Islam and

O Allah, grant victory to Islam and

honor the Muslims.

OAllah raise high, with Your Grace,

the two words of truth and religion. Ameen

A prayer a day, will keep your sorrows away.

A prayer a day, will keep your sorrows away.

It's NEVER too late to turn back to the deen

It's NEVER too late to turn back to the deen,

to revive your Iman, to turn back to Allah..

Fight shaytan, fight your nafs,

Fight shaytan, fight your nafs,

don't let anything bring you down,

Allah is with you.

You don't need a beautiful voice to recite the Quran.

You don't need a beautiful voice to recite the Quran.

All you need is a sincere heart.


ALLAH always answers your requests

ALLAH always answers your requests,

maybe not with a "Yes",

but always with "What is Best"

Blessed is the one who endures difficulty

Blessed is the one who endures difficulty

and overcomes it through

His remembrance and blessings.

It's never luck or fate; it's Allah's perfect plan

It's never luck or fate; it's Allah's perfect plan

When you were born,

When you were born,

you cried and the world rejoiced.

Live your life so that when you die,

the world will cry and you will rejoice.

All praise is to Allah who

All praise is to Allah who has blessed us with another day!

جلا ہوا بچہ اچھا ہو گیا:۔

جلا ہوا بچہ اچھا ہو گیا:۔

محمد بن حاطب رضی اﷲ تعالیٰ عنہ ایک صحابی ہیں یہ بچپن میں اپنی ماں کی گود سے آگ میں گر پڑے اور کچھ جل گئے، ان کی ماں ان کو لے کر خدمت اقدس میں آئیں تو آپ صلی اﷲ تعالیٰ علیہ وسلم نے اپنا لعاب دہن ان پر مل کر دعا فرمادی ۔ محمد بن حاطب رضی اﷲ تعالیٰ عنہ کی ماں کہتی تھیں کہ میں بچے کو لے کر وہاں سے اٹھنے بھی نہیں پائی تھی کہ بچے کا زخم بالکل ہی اچھا ہو گیا۔

(مسند ابن حنبل جلد ۴ص ۲۵۹وخصائص کبری

باکمال صرف خدا تعالیٰ ہے

باکمال صرف خدا تعالیٰ ہے- انسان خوشیوں اور کامیابیوں پر کتنا گھمنڈی ہو جاتا ہے- حالانکہ اس میں کوئی نہ کوئی کمی موجود رہتی ہے- یہ کمی ہی تو خدا کی مجودگی کا احساس ہوتی ہے- خدا کی خاموش آواز ہوتی ہے کہ اے بندے اگر تجھے سب کچھ اپنی کوششوں کے بل بوتے پر ملا ہے، اپنی ذات کے عروج و رفعت کا خود ذمہ دار ہے تو یہ باقی بچی ہوئی کمی پوری کر کے تو مکمل کیوں نہیں ہو جاتا؟
تحریر: رفعت سراج
اقتباس: خواب پھر خواب ہیں

اور نماز قائم کرو اوز کوةٰ دو

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
اور نماز قائم کرو اوز کوةٰ دو
اور رکوع کرنے والوں کے ساتھ رکوع کرو
کیا لوگوں کو تم نیکی کا حکم کرتے ہو اور اپنے آپ کو بھول جاتے ہو
حالانکہ تم کتاب پڑھتے ہو پھر کیوں نہیں سمجھت
اور صبر کرنے اور نماز پڑھنے سےمدد لیا کرو
اور بے شک نماز مشکل ہے
مگر ان پر جو عاجزی کرنے والے ہیں
(۴۵) سورہ البقرہ

آج کے دور میں حساسیت سب سے بڑی سزا ہے

آج کے دور میں حساسیت سب سے بڑی سزا ہے
حساس دل کے ساتھ زندگی بسر کرنا ننگے پاؤں
شعلوں پر چلنے کے مترادف ہے ____!!!!

Allah"' pak' Farmata hai

'"Allah"' pak'
Farmata hai

Tu krta wo hai jo 'TU'chahta hai

Pr hota wo hai jo 'ME'chata hun

Tu wo kr jo'ME' chahta hun

Phir wo hoga jo 'TU'chahta hai'.